Jack Ripley is a character role-played by MattRP.
General Description[]
Jack Ripley is a Senior Officer for the Los Santos Police Department, Badge #202.
He was formerly a Trooper for the San Andreas State Police, but left to be the temporary Chief of Police of the LSPD. As Ripley's first act of Chief of Police, he made a questionable decision of allowing a cow, Officer Moo, to join the ranks of the LSPD. Officer Moo was gunned down on her first day on the force.
Momentous Dates within the Government[]
Unified Police Department[]
51-50 |
Ripley stabbed Lang Buddha while he was incapacitated on the hospital bed after the two were downed from a prior shootout. The stabbing left Buddha in critical condition and was then admitted into the ICU. Ripley was brought to Mission Row, then was handcuffed and interrogated by Matt Rhodes on why he stabbed Buddha, he cited that it was PTSD that was developed during his kidnapping, orchestrated by Buddha and Eugene Zuckerberg. He was then suspended indefinitely from PD activities and admitted to Parsons Rehabilitation Center after much deliberation from Rhodes and Brittany Angel, citing that Ripley was not at the best mental state and his actions were influenced by the PTSD he had developed. |
QuickFix Raid |
Ripley was shot in the head by the President of The Lost MC, Rudi Rinsen. Ripley was responding to a call with four other officers to QuickFix (at the time the building doubled as the Lost MC clubhouse) regarding a possible hostage situation. |
- Ripley's K9 Partner is named Zero.
- Ripley and Senior Deputy Emma Dupont used to date, but ended on good terms. Dupont ended their relationship after Ripley failed to let her know that he had been promoted to Chief of Police.
- Ripley is "on reserve" to the LSPD. He has been informed that when a position within the SASP is available that he will be transferred back to his former Trooper position.
Los Santos Police Department |
High Command: Bobby Smith • Thomas Metzger Officers: Aaron Byson • Alex Casterman • Anthony Copleone • Ben Casanova • Brenda Pancake • Brian Knight • Chet Manley • Cody Sharp • Dan Faily • Darrel McCormik • Domenic Toretti • Emily Reinhart • Francis J Francer • Frank Williams • Gage Draider • Gus Gorman • Jack Davenport • Jack Ripley • Jim Underwood • Joel Garcia • John Mineo • Johnathan Spartan • Johnny Divine • Kareem Lyon • Kyle Pred • Lily Pond • Luka Kozlov • Luke Holliday • Michael Murphy • Scarlett Winters • Scott Ridley • T.J. Mack • Vladimir Reznik • |