Jack A. Roo is a character role-played by Sly_jpg
General Information[]
Jack A. Roo is a driven, fiery loyal individual, brought up in Queensland, Australia. He’s not quite 6 foot and has a strong surfer-fit build. He has fair blonde hair, blue eyes and sharp facial features. Jack values family, friendship and loyalty above everything. Jack stands out among others due to his resolve, Jack will trust his gut and hold out, no matter what the odds are.
Prior to Arrival in Los Santos[]
Jack had the worst kind of upbringing any kid could wish for. His father walked out days before he was born and his mother remarried an abusive man, constantly drunk and taking out his own suffering on everyone else nearby. He has a little Sister who he basically had to raise after his mother past away due to complications that followed after her birth, His stepfather was an drunk which left Jack to raise his sister, he did what he had to, which was to shoplift at first, just essentials like two minute noodles and juice boxes for his sister to have something to eat at school. But this led to more crimes. His actions were totally driven out of his helplessness. Each day was a hustle to him in trying to make ends meet at home. Even though Jack skipped school, he made sure his sister went to school. He covered all her expenses with the stolen stash. Jack loved his sister and was even willing to put his life at stake for her. Once, when the two of them were goofing around near the creek by their home, his sister was attacked by a crocodile, Jack without hesitation jumped in to wrestle and hold off the crocodile until his sister could escape. The crocodile wounded Jack with a huge gash across his back, but Jack managed to survive the encounter. The gash healed but left a deep scar on his back that never faded away.
Jack was only 14 years old when he got caught for the first time, he was sent to youth detention (Juvenile prison). Jack came out with a life lesson and thought of giving up being a thief and started working hard for a living. His sister had been taken under the care of a charitable foundation. Jack left her there, seeing the good it was doing to her. He was largely free from the need to look out for his sister and started working out something for himself.
Events Since Arriving[]
Sutty Legal Aids
Jack, Misty Laker & Crystal Salsa serve the people of Los Santos valiantly as slutty legal aids, what they lack in legal advice they make up for with sluttness.
End of the Word Nightmare
Jack, Misty, Ellie and Carlos were cruising around the city, and were approached by Benji Ramos who told them the world was going to end and they needed to stock up. Heeding that advice Jack & Misty prepared with food, bandages, weapons and armor expecting the worst. They regrouped at the block joined by Blake and Jason (both who were very unprepared), the situation began to deteriorate in the city uniting with EMS, PD and various other groups they fortified themselves at Clean Manor to hold out. Eventually night fell and sirens began to blare the manor was overwhelmed by a large demon wielding a flamethrower and zombies infiltrating the perimeter.
Deciding to flee, Jack & Misty with a group lead by Benji Ramos attempt to find a cure to the zombie virus at Humane labs, then following the words of Siz they make there way to a tree believed to be the answer but that is when they are attacked again by waves of the undead who eventually get the better of Jack and he is bitten, becoming a zombie he roams the hills shouting ‘brains?’. Fortunately the whole event seemed to just be a nightmare Jack had, however speaking to Misty she seems to also have one uncanny similar...
Jacks Sister
In October 2022, around a decade after he last saw his sister Jack received a call from his sister who had till recently believed Jack was dead, discovering his sister was in trouble he returned to Australia to help her.
Played By: Sly_jpg |
Characters: Jack A. Roo • Jackson Flynn • Jack Elmore |