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Idol Lunas-Goethe is a character played by AnticrosslandDraws.

General Information[]

When flights back into the city re-opened, Idol made her move back to the island with husband Maxwell Lunas-Goethe, best friend Bringle Dingus, and anyone else who'd accompanied them on a 5 year long rave tour and didn't get lost along the way. At some point Bringle went missing again, but that wasn't unexpected.

Moving back to the city, Idol would learn the state of the city had changed, if not worsened. Her beloved Mojito Inn, Wyld Chyld, and Burger Shot were all closed; her place of respite that is the Lighthouse remained intact, fortunately. She'd quickly fall back into the routine of her daily voodoo ritual, lavender scent lingering due to her relaxing, and leaving symbolic food out that the crows are free to eat.

(She has healed 10 injured crows, 5 cormorants, 1 coyote, and pet 50 coyotes since returning.)

She'd similarly get into the daily/frequent habit of visiting Mojito to remember one of the members of Mayhem MC who fell during and after the Sanguine War: Laine Davis. Idol also visits Balto's old Paleto house, with intent to one day buy.

What with a new Conductor, reuniting with members of Neon Tigers took some time, as did effort into re-building a healthy, secure bank account. Idol, among others, struggled to find their new positions in a reforming city. A few opted to leave the MC, others have simply tired of the struggle with the conductor.

Hearing the words "--just let the Tigers quietly die out--" wounded Idol so deeply, she spiraled for some weeks until after separate chats with Maxwell, Damien Tinkerman, and Bringle that it was then she decided to only do what made her happy. Nothing otherwise would be worth doing, so she'd remain a Neon Tiger even if she was the only one.

Then, Bringle made Idol the President, and a new era of panic and anxiety ruled her waking hours.

Now, it was up to Idol to run the ship, keep people informed and connected, even making said connections. Never having lead a goddamn thing in her life prior to this, she felt a bit scattered, but wasn't about to fumble something she loved that people she loved worked so hard for. Thus far, she's been on the grind, side-by-side with any hangaround, prospect, member, command, or high command; showing them they're all in it together, and hard times don't mean they lose one another. It would be exhausting-- her least-favorite thing-- but it'd be worth doing.

Present efforts towards all manner of money-making activities possible are underway under her direction, people get credit for the work they do and she checks in on them personally.

As of the 24th of March, Idol has encountered Norman Bones, which has resulted in two nightmares by April 1st. Idol didn't remember much of their conversation due to fear, but she remembered him smoking and later brought him cigarettes.

More information about Idol Lunas-Goethe's 4.0 antics will be entered here.
