Heath Greiner is a character roleplayed by Kiznue. He has since changed his surname to Argo.
General Description[]
Heath is a young, ambitious, aspiring criminal. Personality wise, Heath is very much a “go with the flow” individual, rolling with any situation that comes his way. Heath can sometimes act very rash and emotional, though when he wants to be, he can be very smart and calculated. He enjoys various forms crime, sometimes petty crime such as robbing ATMs or mugging people, but also more serious crime, such as robbing banks or bank trucks.
Heath was born on June 7th, 1997 to a single mother in Omaha, Nebraska. Heath had a rather large family, consisting of his mother and nine sisters. Heath was the tenth and final child his mother had, because of this Heath was viewed as the “baby” of the family and had a rather sheltered upbringing. Up until the age of 17, Heath had lived a relatively normal life, that was until his mother unexpectedly died during a kayaking accident. This event had a profound impact on Heath, he began to act out, looking for trouble wherever he could find it, this often led to run ins with the law. After pleading with him the change numerous times, his remaining family disowned him because of his behavior and how decided to live his life. Rather than trying to rectify his familial situation and self-destructive lifestyle, Heath embraced it for quite some time. At the age of 23, Heath found himself involved in rapidly growing and powerful gang in Nebraska, known as the Nebraskan-Alaskans.
The Nebraskan-Alaskans welcomed Heath with open arms and treated him like family, he worked with them for several months. This would not last long, as eventually the gang began to get investigated by authorities. After the apprehension of the gang’s leader, as well as other major figures within the gang, Heath decided to jump ship. With the little money Heath had left, he settled on moving to Los Santos in hopes of starting new life as a clean man. He saw what a life of crime had done to him, leaving him with no money, no friends, and no family.
Aredeemer Block[]
Aredeemer was the first person Heath genuinely committed serious crime with. The two had a fun and lighthearted relationship, never taking things too seriously. They actively put themselves in situations in which they would get caught, but they would not have had it any other way. Heath views Aredeemer as one of, if not, his best friend.
Jacob Pierce † []
Jacob was one of Heath’s oldest friends. The two got along well with one other, seemingly having a similar outlook on their criminal escapades. Like Aredeemer and Heath, Jacob does not like to take things too seriously and deals with the consequences of his actions with grace. Jacob was one of Heath's closest friends, until he ultimately betrayed The Saboteurs by shooting Paris and Sevyn. He was effectively excommunicated from the group and personally shot by Heath. Later Jacob was assassinated by the "East Side Barbz" and Associates.
Reese Marshall[]
When Reese and Heath met, they hit it off nearly instantly, quickly taking a liking to one another. Much like Heath, Reese will roll with just about anything that comes his way, whether it be serious or petty. Over time this relationship changed as The Saboteurs formed, as distrust began to build, ultimately leading to a breaking point for Heath. Eventually, the two had a falling out and Reese was blooded out of the group at the hands of Heath.
Paris Dior[]
Upon initially meeting Paris, Heath thought she was just another dumb blonde, viewing her as somewhat of an airhead. As he got to know her more, Heath began to realize just how smart Paris could be, finding a newfound respect for her. The gang quickly pointed out how similar the two are, comparing them to siblings. Despite not being related by blood, Heath genuinely cares about Paris and views her as a sister. Paris is an OG member of The Saboteurs.
Sevyn Figurez[]
Heath and Sevyn met through a mutual former friend, she gave him fashion advice and a new look when they first met. Out of everyone in the Saboteurs, Heath probably has the least in common with Sevyn. Despite this, Heath still cares about Sevyn a lot, just like the rest of the gang. Sevyn is an OG member of The Saboteurs.
Antonio Demarcus[]
Heath initially met Antonio through Paris, the two were friendly enough to start off, but over time they became closer and became really good friends. Though Heath hasn't known Antonio for as long as some of the other members, he views them as having a very good relationship. Antonio is a member of The Saboteurs.
Natalie Lorenzo[]
Surprisingly enough, Heath was the first member of The Saboteurs to actually meet Natalie. He instantly took a liking to her and paid for the majority of her Integrity apartment, after just meeting her for the first time. The two have a lighthearted and playful relationship, but also can be serious when they need to be. Natalie is a member of The Saboteurs.
Jupiter Adams[]
Upon initially meeting Jupiter, he didn't really think much of her, just seeing her as another one of Paris's friends. After Jupiter started coming around more frequently, the two got to know each other some more. After Paris talked about Jupiter, her past, and the things the two had gone through together, he had a newfound respect for her. The two have a very lighthearted relationship and never take things too seriously. Jupiter is a member of The Saboteurs.
Pogg Dann † []
Despite not many people knowing about their relationship, Pogg and Heath were very good friends. They often found themselves in baffling situations, sometimes petty ones, and other times more serious ones. Though it has been quite some time since Heath has seen Pogg, he hoped to see him again one day. Pogg was shot and killed by the LSPD while fleeing on foot from an officer stabbing.
Major Arcs[]
Humble Beginnings in Los Santos |
After arriving in Los Santos, Heath attempted to stay clean for as long as he could. He picked up a job at Bugstars Pest Control, working a minimum wage job. It was not exactly what he had in mind, but it was honest work and it kept him out of trouble. As a civilian in Los Santos, Heath quickly learned that life could be cruel and unforgiving. He often found himself being used as a hostage by criminals, being on the receiving end of robberies, and just genuinely being disregarded because of his civilian status.
One day however, things went too far, as Heath was used as a hostage for The Pacific Standard Bank. During this robbery, Heath had a jerry can strapped to his back and was pushed off the roof of the bank. After falling several stories, the jerry can was shot by the robbers, causing a chain reaction of explosions, as Heath had landed near a cop car that responded to the scene. After this event, Heath decided to give up his civilian life, nothing good had come from it and he was tired of being used and disrespected. |
Criminal Beginnings and The OG 3 |
Initially, Heath had picked up rather petty crime, such as robbing houses or convenient stores. This quickly changed however when Heath met a man by the name of Aredeemer Block. Ardeemer enabled Heath's underlying chaotic behavior and vice versa. The two instantly hit it off and became very close friends in a short amount of time. The two eventually met Jacob Pierce, similarly to Aredeemer, Heath and Jacob hit it off almost instantly. The three began spending a lot of time with one another, becoming very close. They settled on calling themselves “The OG 3”, they quickly began to reign chaos on Los Santos.
The OG 3 caused problems with virtually anyone they came across, this typically involved robbing them, often without even disguising who they were. The three would indiscriminately rob people, no one was exempt, and no one was safe. This saw them robbing civilians, criminals, gang members, and even the police. This type of behavior warranted a response, they often saw retaliation from the people they messed with. Sometimes this would come in the form of individuals trying to get payback, other times they faced entire established organizations, such as the Lunatix MC or Vagos. The OG 3 had found themselves in one “war” that was particularly difficult, against the Lunatix MC. The trio were outmanned and outgunned, with no connections they only knew one way of how to get firepower to match their opposition, by robbing PD issued weaponry from the police force. They failed and were caught numerous times, mostly because they forgot to disguise themselves while doing this. This saw the three of them get arrested and raided numerous times. Collectively the three saw themselves in nearly -$500k in debt because of their failed attempts at robbing the police. After trial and error, they successfully obtained several PD issued assault rifles, they planned on using them to fight the Lunatix MC. Their efforts were again halted however, as the rifles were in a shared stash house. The keys were shared with one of Aredeemer’s relatives, Mike Block. Mike took the rifles for himself and sold them. This killed the morale of The OG 3, they eventually decided to stop their conflict with the Lunatix MC and unofficially surrendered. The trio continued with their escapades but became a bit more selective as to who they targeted, opting to avoid gangs when possible. After this, things were going great for The OG 3, as they began to establish themselves more in Los Santos. This changed however when one day Aredeemer mysteriously disappeared. His whereabouts are still unknown. Heath has hope that he is still alive, believing one day they will meet again. |
Pogg Dann and The League of Insanity |
Whenever Heath was not with The OG 3, he could often be found hanging out with one of his good friends, Pogg Dann. The two were generally regarded as dumb criminals who simply liked to have fun. After the disappearance of Aredeemer, and somewhat of a hiatus from Jacob, Heath began to increasingly spend time with Pogg. Initially the two participated in similar activities as The OG 3, namely robbing people. Heath and Pogg managed to rob 10 people in one night, however they noticed that the police rarely responded to their crimes.
Heath and Pogg eventually forced the people they robbed to call the police, snitching themselves out essentially. This warranted little reaction however, to be taken more seriously the two began stabbing their victims and calling in their crimes to the police. Pogg was becoming increasingly frustrated with the lack of police response. Pogg himself had experienced police injustice in the past and wanted to send a message. Their lighthearted robberies quickly transformed into an organization that was set on spreading a message about police injustice. Pogg eventually created a name for their little organization, titling it “The League of Insanity”. There were several other members, however they rarely came around. Heath essentially served as the right-hand man of Pogg, as the two did most of the work themselves. For roughly a month and a half, the two would stab their victims and leave cryptic notes for the police, Pogg would leave subtle hints about his personal identity within these notes. After stabbing 40+ victims, the two still were not caught and did not believe the police had any idea as to who they were. After nearly two months, Heath and Pogg decided that the time of The League of Insanity was coming to an end, so they wanted to go out with a bang. On one of their final days, Pogg began to openly tweet on Twitter that he was the leader of the organization. That same day, Heath assisted Pogg in finding an oil tanker, with this tanker Pogg drove in front of Pillbox Medical Center. Pogg then made a 911 call telling the police that, “This is from The League of Insanity”. He promptly shot the oil tanker and drove away, immediately being pursued by police. Pogg was caught but was mysteriously let go by the police. Several days later however Pogg and Heath were pulled over in a stolen car. They were pursued, the two had a plan in case this scenario ever unfolded. In the event they were ever caught together, Heath would claim to be taken hostage, while Pogg would say that Heath was the next victim. Their plan worked, as eventually they crashed, Heath pretended to be a hostage and surrendered. Pogg was caught and officially apprehended, he was sent to Parsons, being deemed criminally insane. Heath walked away, never convicted of any crimes and, to his knowledge, never being a suspect. |
The Good Samaritan |
After his time with The OG 3 and The League of Insanity, Heath started to feel guilty for his actions, reflecting on his wrongdoings and all the people he had hurt along the way. To rebuild his image, Heath began changing his ways, altering his demeanor to become more welcoming and inviting. Heath began helping people, often by offering individuals rides and asking them if they needed help with anything. Eventually, Heath took this a step further and made posts on the Yellow Pages and on Twitter, offering his services of helping others, free of charge.
Heath's time as “The Good Samaritan” started out slow, but eventually things started to pick up. Heath would often receive calls for mundane things, such as someone needing a ride or a repair kit for their car. Sometimes Heath was thrown a bone however, for instance several times he was called to be used as a fourth person for a robbery, as Heath openly claimed he was willing to break the law in his advertisement. People would ask Heath how much he charged for his services, but he always responded by saying no payment was needed. This response surprised most people, as they genuinely viewed Heath as a good person for selflessly helping others. As Heath began to become more well known, he began to meet many new people and form connections. Heath began to form relationships with well-established criminals, including individuals in well-established gangs. It was during this time that Heath met one of his closest friends, Reese Marshall. Heath somewhat took Reese under his wing, calling Reese “The Alright Samaritan”, as he often helped with Heath’s good deeds. It was also during this time that Heath met Paris Dior, the two briefly met under the “Hobo Bridge”, he paid her a $5,000 tax to wear the color pink. Lastly, during this time Heath met Sevyn Figurez, the two met through a mutual friend. Sevyn gave Heath a makeover through her fashion business, it would be some time before they met again after this. Though he met these three individuals in separate instances, it would not be too long before the four came together. |
The Saboteurs |
As Heath’s time as The Good Samaritan was coming to an end, he began to hang out with Reese on an almost daily basis. Similarly, to Heath, Reese was somewhat of a social butterfly, and he had met both Paris and Sevyn, who at this point had known each other for some time and were close friends. The two pairs of friends hung out sometimes, though this was somewhat infrequent. Over time they all took a liking to one another and began to hang out more consistently, this eventually began to become an almost daily occurrence. Their relationships dramatically changed however after they began to get to know each other more and found themselves in more serious situations. During a scenario in which Heath, Paris, and Sevyn kidnapped Salem Barghouthi, the loyalty of Heath was tested.
Salem, and other individuals, had harmed both Paris and Sevyn on numerous occasions and they finally had their chance for revenge. However, Heath panicked during this situation and knew just how powerful of an individual Salem was. Before Paris and Sevyn could enact their plans, Heath rescued Salem and got him out of the situation. Heath was partially looking out for himself, but he also did what he thought was best for the other two, believing that saving Salem would prevent future confrontation, though he was wrong. Obviously, Paris and Sevyn were disappointed in Heath. They eventually talked it out, though they did not agree with his actions, they understood where Heath was coming from. They told Heath that they were not angry with him, but rather they were disappointed. Much to Heath’s surprise however, they were willing to forgive him and decided to have a conversation with their forming friend group. After much discussion, they decided to come together as an official group, wanting to establish themselves over time. They decided to be more serious, wanting to be more “ride or die” for one another. It was during this time that Jacob started to come around again more frequently, with his connection to Heath, he quickly became the first member that was “recruited” to the gang after it was established. One day, when only Heath and Paris were around, they saw on Twitter that Salem was getting married. The two quickly thought of ways in which they could ruin the wedding, Heath saw this as an opportunity to prove himself to Paris and show his loyalty. Coincidentally enough, the bride was leaving the hospital after an accident she had, Heath and Paris were in area and they decided to act. The two went to the hospital, posing as Grove Street Gas Station employees, claiming to bring her to the wedding. After successfully abducting her, they persuaded her to not go through with the wedding, successfully ruining the marriage. While they were driving back to the city, Heath said they did a good job, stating that they were saboteurs. Paris pointed out how this would be a good name for the group, Heath agreed along with everyone else. After talking with Paris, Heath and Paris decided that they should try to live up to “The Saboteur” name. Essentially, they laid plans as to how they could sabotage the operations of other people/groups. This could include getting them arrested, raided, and just generally causing havoc for people. The other members liked the idea and wish to pursue it in the future. Though they have big plans, they would have a rocky road ahead of them. |
Trials and Tribulations |
After Initially coming together, the group faced many highs and lows. The first true test for the group came when both Heath and Jacob robbed two police officers of their equipment, without concealing their identity. In the following weeks, a major raid took place on the group, they ended up losing most of their resources. After the raid, Reese and Sevyn took a bit of a hiatus, both for different reasons. Heath and Paris were the two who stuck around for the most part, with Jacob appearing sometimes. It was during this time that Heath and Paris really began to bond and grow closer. The duo started hanging out with other people and putting themselves out there a bit more, they still missed their usual friends however.
Eventually Reese and Sevyn began to some around again, but quickly cracks in the foundation began to form, mostly in regards to Reese. It seemed as though every week, or sometimes everyday, their was a discussion involving Reese, it always had something to do with his decision making or how he conducted himself with the group. After some time, Heath began to feel as though they kept putting a band aid on a bullet wound when it came to Reese, feeling that eventually he would have to be dealt with. As the group began to become more established, the decided that it was in their best interests to begin expanding. After much consideration, they officially inducted Antonio Demarcus and Natalie Lorenzo on December 13th, 2020. But just as quickly as they gained two members, they would ultimately end up losing two more in the following weeks. Eventually, the issues with Reese came to a boiling point and just a few days after Christmas Heath, Paris, Natalie, and Jacob decided that Reese had to be officially blooded out of the gang, without a final consultation from Sevyn or Antonio. Antonio was understanding and respected the decision, Sevyn claimed to feel the same, but later would reveal how she really felt in the following weeks. A few weeks later, Heath, Paris, Sevyn, and Jacob were all rolling around together when they got into a vehicle collision with Mike Block and Four Tee. Mike told the group that he needed to shooters to help him with something, Heath and Jacob volunteered. In a turn of events, Mike wanted to two to turn their guns on Paris and Sevyn to prove that they were shooters. Heath denied and shot their tires to avoid hitting them, but in a shocking turn of events, Jacob actually shot them. Jacob then left with Mike and Heath helped the girls. After this, Jacob was forced by Mike to set up the group once again. Heath, Paris, Sevyn, and Antonio gunned down Mike, Four Tee, and Jacob. Jacob was officially exiled from the group after this, and the group size shrank from seven to five. The group had a serious conversation about what had happened, what they were feeling, and their future. Sevyn revealed that she had been having thoughts of leaving the gang, both Heath and Paris were willing to let her go on good terms after everything that had taken place, but she ultimately decided to stay. The following day, Heath and Paris had a discussion on what they actually wanted for the future of the gang, ultimately deciding to become more serious and wanting to recruit more members. Before Heath could actually move on however, he decided that he needed to have one more conversation with Jacob, he did this without consulting anyone else in the group. After talking with Jacob for a few hours, Heath came to the conclusion that their friendship for the past several months was fake, believing that Jacob never truly cared about him. To actually find closure, Heath decided that he needed to shoot Jacob to officially end their relationship. And so he did, by bringing Jacob to his place of birth, the Lucky Plucker, and shooting him. After losing two members, the topic of recruiting was brought up. The group had four potential members in mind, with the first being Jupiter Adams, who was brought in on January 10th, 2020. The final three considerations were Richard Bronson, Osiris Hoyt, and Chris Honeywell, all of the former group known as "Tow Gang". Heath and Paris, who were later joined by Antonio and Jupiter, talked with Both Osiris and Honeywell about where their heads were at with everything. They revealed how Tow Gang was essentially dead, both also mentioned how they felt Rich ultimately was looking out for himself at the end of the day. This ultimately led Heath to believe that Rich would not be a good option for the group. After the conversation, the four decided to officially bring in Osiris and Honeywell as the two final members for the time being, bringing the total group member list to eight. Though the group went through many trials and tribulations, they overcame all of them. The group has begun to get more serious, becoming more established in the city, along with making many connections. The future seemingly seems bright for them. |