Gillea Taylor is a character role-played by GoldenLaurel.
General Description[]
Gillea Taylor is a member of the HOA and an employee of Fast Loans, Pawn Hub and the Liquid Library. She also has a cat named Jinx who is currently locked in the washer at her Mirror Park home.
Physical Description[]
She has brown hair tied into a knot and cut bangs. She wears a variety of clothing, but she can be seen in the HOA kutte quite often. She is severely nearsighted which forces her to wear glasses, even with the aid of glasses she could barely see past 10 feet, which could be the leading cause of her impaired driving ability.
Gillea is a full member of the HoA. After being in the HoB for months and working as a Tavern employee, she was promoted to HOA on November 4th, 2021.
Too nice to be left alone due to her unique perk of attracting trouble. She is very bubbly and is often found in a fit of giggles. Always greets new people she comes across while offering her aid to anyone that asks. Her unique ability to stay calm in emergency situations allowed her to live through many critical circumstances without a scratch. She is picky with fashion, but the outfits she puts on/creates is always the best from her friends.
• Gillea gets promoted to full HOA
- "Listen,"
- "Ahhh,”
- "Hello!" - When greeting people on the radio
- "What the fuck?!"
- She once successfully knocked out Jerry Perkins while fishing, though she was caught and sent to jail for assault and battery and resisting arrest.
- She is a puzzle master and can solve any puzzle she encounters. This was shown during the HOA scavenger hunt at Humane Labs
Played By: GoldenLaurel |
Characters: Gillea Taylor • Lily Anderson |