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Franky Dulio is a character role-played by Dadulio.

General Description[]

Franky Dulio is a Deputy for the Paleto Bay Sheriff's Office, Badge #325.

Background Information[]

Franky Dulio grew up in a small Ontario farm town north of Toronto called Sundridge. From a very young age he had to help take care of the farm dogs, feed the chickens and milk the cows. As his parents got into dog breeding, Franky was left to take care of his two younger siblings and the farm. Between himself and his younger brother, they had the farm practically running itself by the time Franky turned 22. Spending long hours with all the farm animals, Franky developed a longing love for animals of all kind, but, as much as Franky loved the farm and all the animals he grew up with, he wanted to travel and explore the world. Visiting places like Italy, various provinces and states throughout North America.

After settling in the warm climate of San Andreas in early 2020, Franky quickly made friends with various like minded people and worked any job he could get to keep himself going.

He quickly realized what he wanted to do was help people anyway he could, and debated applying to either be a Medic or an Officer. After volunteering many hours at Pillbox as a volunteer EMS, Franky realized that while he could help people with their injuries as a medic, he could help them even more if he could stop the criminals that were hurting them, before they hurt them. He spoke with Willow Wolfhart, a dispatcher for PD and correctional officer at Bolingbroke, who suggested he apply to the Department of Corrections if he wanted to become an officer. In March 2020, Franky applied to the DOC and was hired as Correctional Officer in May 2020.

Franky worked as a CO for 4 months, showing up to work almost every day, putting in many long shifts, and was eventually promoted to FTO to assist in training new cadets. His hard work and dedication was noticed, and in September 2020, he was offered an interview, before joining academy and passing, officially becoming a cadet within the Blaine County Sheriff's Office. His knowledge of the prison and experience as a CO proved useful and he was eventually promoted to Solo Cadet in December 2020, and after working hard throughout the rest of the year as a solo cadet, he was promoted to Deputy in February 2021.

After becoming a Deputy, Franky decided to dedicate his time on duty to patrolling the county, helping the Rangers patrol the hunting area and Alamo Sea where everyone was fishing. He even began volunteering with the San Andreas Scouts, helping rehabilitate individuals who had lost their Hunting or Fishing Licenses due to Poaching. He figured the Park Rangers would be the perfect goal for him, combining his passion for animals with his desire to help people. In August 2021, Franky was offered a position in the San Andreas State Park Rangers by Sergeant Conan Clarkson, which he happily accepted.

Ranger Dulio eventually became a Field Training Officer in October, after helping train cadets over the summer, and got promoted to Senior Ranger soon after. This promotion to Senior Ranger also came with cross-training of the Rangers' shared K-9, Yogi, giving him an extra partner for when he is patrolling the forests of San Andreas. He has since acquired certification within the Motor Unit and actively patrols on the Malton Motors 5000 with the new Ranger livery. Dulio also got promoted to Green-Certified K-9 Handler on February 5th, 2022, before getting his new K-9 Partner, Grogu, on May 10th, 2022.

Dulio is looking to eventually seek out Flight Certification, which he has already started training in, in order to better patrol the state, and help out in Shift 2 where it is desperately needed. He is also dubbed "the Master of Coin" as approved by Ziggy and Tessa, and handles budget requests, payments to shops for repairs and food, and coordinates with the Commissioner's Office to facilitate gas stipends and bonuses. He was recently promoted to the rank of Corporal, to help lead Shift 2, help coordinate scene control, and looks to eventually prove himself worthy of a Sergeant rank someday.

Momentous Dates within the Government[]

Unified Police Department[]

Rank Insignia Note Date
Solo Cadet SoloCadetBCSO Government Restructure; Badge #625 February 5th, 2021
Deputy DeputyBCSO Promoted to Deputy; Badge #325 February 25th, 2021
Ranger SASPR-Ranger Invited into the SASPR; Badge #255 August 13th, 2021
FTO Cert FTO Certified October 30th, 2021
Senior Ranger SASPR-Senior Ranger Promoted to Senior Ranger November 3rd, 2021
K9 Cross Cert K9 Cross-Certified; Handler for Yogi November 6th, 2021
Motorcycle Cert Motorcycle Certified April 20th, 2022
K9 Cert K9 Certified; Handler for Grogu May 10th, 2022
Corporal SASPR-Corporal Promoted to Corporal November 11th, 2022
Changed Badge Number to #225
Officer LSPD-Officer 2023 PD Restructure; Badge #U-225 March 6th, 2023
Deputy PBSO-Deputy Hired to the PBSO; Badge #325 May 23rd, 2023


Played By: Dadulio
Characters: Franky DulioJordan MichaelDale Murphy

Blaine County Sheriff's Office

Sheriff: Aspen Gray

Undersheriff: vacant

Captain: Jeffrey BonesLukas LavenderLeon CassidyCletus Cornwood

Probationary Deputies: Jing WrongLando LancasterJonah Sloe
