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Heath Argo is a character roleplayed by kiznue.

General Description[]

Heath Argo (previously Greiner) is a young, ambitious, aspiring criminal. Personality wise, Heath is very much a “go with the flow” individual, rolling with any situation that comes his way. Heath can sometimes act very rash and emotional, though when he wants to be, he can be very smart and calculated. He enjoys various forms crime, from small time dope dealing, to more serious, high end crime.


Heath was born on June 7th, 1997 to a single mother in Omaha, Nebraska. Heath had a rather large family, consisting of his mother and nine sisters. Heath was the tenth and final child his mother had, because of this Heath was viewed as the “baby” of the family and had a rather sheltered upbringing. Up until the age of 17, Heath had lived a relatively normal life, that was until his mother unexpectedly died during a kayaking accident. This event had a profound impact on Heath, he began to act out, looking for trouble wherever he could find it, this often led to run ins with the law. After pleading with him the change numerous times, his remaining family disowned him because of his behavior and how he decided to live his life. Rather than trying to rectify his familial situation and self-destructive lifestyle, Heath embraced it for quite some time. At the age of 23, Heath found himself involved in rapidly growing and powerful gang in Nebraska, known as the Nebraskan-Alaskans.

The Nebraskan-Alaskans welcomed Heath with open arms and treated him like family, he worked with them for several months. This would not last long, as eventually the gang began to get investigated by authorities. After the apprehension of the gang’s leader, as well as other major figures within the gang, Heath decided to jump ship. With the little money Heath had left, he settled on moving to Los Santos in hopes of starting new life as a clean man. He saw what a life of crime had done to him, leaving him with no money, no friends, and no family.


Aredeemer Block† [Best Friend]
Aredeemer was the first person Heath genuinely committed serious crime with. The two had a fun and lighthearted relationship, never taking things too seriously. They actively put themselves in situations in which they would get caught, but they would not have had it any other way. Heath viewed Aredeemer as one of, if not, his best friend. He soon disappeared and believed to have died by falling down stairs. In times of stress, Heath would often send texts to Aredeemer... however a reply will never come.

Jacob Pierce† [Best Friend]
Jacob was one of Heath’s oldest friends. The two got along well with one other, seemingly having a similar outlook on their criminal escapades. Like Aredeemer and Heath, Jacob does not like to take things too seriously and deals with the consequences of his actions with grace. Jacob was one of Heath's closest friends, until he ultimately betrayed The Saboteurs by shooting Paris and Sevyn. He was effectively excommunicated from the group and personally shot outside the Lucky Plucker by Heath, though he did not die. Jacob was later shot and killed by Lana Valentine when he was forced to choose between himself or Heath when they were caught hanging out by her and the "East Side Barbz".

Reese Marshall [Ex-Friend]
When Reese and Heath met, they hit it off nearly instantly, quickly taking a liking to one another (though Heath will often claim this is because he had nobody else at the time). Much like Heath, Reese will roll with just about anything that comes his way, whether it be serious or petty. Over time this relationship changed as The Saboteurs formed, as distrust began to build, ultimately leading to a breaking point for Heath. Eventually, the two had a falling out and Reese was blooded out of the group by the hands of Heath and Natalie.

Sevyn Figurez [Good Friend]
Heath and Sevyn met through a mutual former friend, she gave him fashion advice and a new look when they first met.

Out of everyone in the Saboteurs, Heath probably has the least in common with Sevyn. Despite this, Heath still cares about Sevyn a lot, just like the rest of the gang. Sevyn is a former OG member of The Saboteurs.

Antonio Demarcus [Good Friend]
Heath initially met Antonio through Paris, the two were friendly enough to start off, but over time they became closer and became really good friends.

Though Heath hasn't known Antonio for as long as some of the other members, he views them as having a very good relationship. Antonio is a former member of The Saboteurs.

Natalie Lorenzo † [Good Friend]
Surprisingly enough, Heath was the first member of The Saboteurs to actually meet Natalie. He instantly took a liking to her and paid for the majority of her Integrity apartment, after just meeting her for the first time.

The two had a lighthearted and playful relationship, but also can be serious when they need to be. However, Natalie had soon died from being burnt; leaving Heath confused on her death and sadden by her passing. He never had closure on what happened to her. Natalie was a former Saboteurs member.

Mike Smoore [Good Friend]
Mike Smoore is one of Heath's long time friends, had known Mike back before the reconstruction. Not much is known on how they first met, but Heath seems to trust him a lot.
  • Mike was one of the few people there for him after Jacob's death.

Slick [Soul Owner/Friend]
Heath found Slick through the yellow pages when he was struggling to find ways to make money and saw that Slick was offering to buy souls. Thus, Heath made a decision to sell his soul to him and this led to him giving his soul away to Slick; making Slick his Soul Owner.
  • Slick has control over his soul (Along with Lana's) over the weekend.
  • Because Slick is his soul owner, he has to do everything Slick tells him to do. (Which include killing someone)
  • Slick was present on Truth Island when Heath shot Party Hardy.

T-Money [Best Friend]
Timonthy is one of Heath's close friends Not much is known on how they first met, but Heath seems to trust him a lot.

• Heath was actually the one who gave T-money his nickname

• They are roomates


Paris Argo [Half-Sister]
Upon initially meeting Paris, Heath thought she was just another dumb blonde, viewing her as somewhat of an airhead.

As he got to know her more, Heath began to realize just how smart Paris could be, finding a newfound respect for her. The gang quickly pointed out how similar the two are, comparing them to siblings. Despite not being related by blood, Heath genuinely cares about Paris and views her as a sister. Paris is a former OG member of The Saboteurs.

Seoul Argo [Half-Sister]
Heath once described Seoul as being the most ‘sane’ one out of his sisters. Seoul seems to play the role of ‘big sister’, for at times when Heath and Paris argue, they will often go to Seoul to ‘tell on’ each other. When she was struggling for money, he once transferred her $15k to help her out.
London Argo [Half-Sister]
Out of all his adopted sisters, London is the one he has spent the least time with. At one point he even voiced being slightly jealous of her, as her return found Paris spending most her time with her, and Heath claimed it was like he didn’t even exist anymore. Despite this, he still cares for London, and would defend and stick up for her just as equally.
  • To help her out in hacking, he brought her a practice laptop so she can learn, leading her to become one of the best hackers in the city


Party Hardy [Friend?]
Party Hardy used to be Heath's 'friend', Not much is known about their relationship, except that Party Hardy used manipulation on Heath for a long time to make him seem like Heath's Best Friend who cares about him. He is also deemed as the one Heath says had ruined his life.
  • Party revealed his hidden secret to his friends, after finding out Heath apparently sabotaged his mayoral election.
  • Party was the one who encouraged Heath into a relationship with Lana
  • Heath blames him for ruining his life and making him experience heart break, but he doesn't regret dating Lana.
  • They were planning to cause chaos in the city, however, plans changed.
  • He apparently have been planning to shoot Party for awhile and have done it on truth island. Unfortunately for Heath. Party lived.
  • The two have recently talked and seem to have somewhat made up.

Love Life[]

Lana Valentine [Ex-Girlfriend/Friend]
Heath and Lana first met during his Block era, the two didn't really start off on the right foot. The other hated each other and didn't get along at first, but eventually, their relationship soon developed into friends the more involved she gotten with mentoring The Saboteurs.
  • Things took a small step back when Heath started hanging out with Jacob behind everyone's back despite what he have done.
  • They were soon caught hanging out, Heath lied on why he was with Jacob to hide why he was hanging with him; being afraid of being caught in a lie. Lana then forced Jacob to make a choice between himself or Heath.... and Jacob picked himself.
  • Jacob was killed in front of him by Lana shooting him and his death was announced at Pillbox. Because of this, Heath hated Lana and was angry about her killing someone who considered his own brother. Then during a meeting with Jupiter, Paris and Himself. Lana was brought into the Saboteurs meeting about Jacob, and he was refusing to communicate his feelings, no matter how much Paris tried to get him to talk, until Lana took him to the side; showing him decency and respect that made him really feel care for someone.
  • At some point, Heath developed a slight crush on Lana but was unsure at first about the crush; but didn't decide to pursue anything while pretending to be gay. After the reconstruction, both soon started spending quite a lot of time together and became closer the more they hung out, discovering they had a lot in common. When his secret came out, thanks to Party Hardy, revealing that he was actually straight all along and with this.... came Lana confessing that she was in love with him.
  • Heath was afraid at first, but with Party's encouragement to follow his heart, he confessed his feelings for her too. This led to following events to where they officially dated for about three month before Heath broke up with her due to different reasons and because if she wasn't happy with him, he decided to let her go so she can be happy.
  • The two had a hate/love relationship for a long time and this led to arguments and attempts from both sometimes trying to get the other's attention. One day, they were taken on a Soul Mission by their soul owner, Slick, along with Jupiter, to make them friends again. They performed a ritual where they killed a man from the yellow pages to strengthen their soul bond.

Soon, Party, Liz, Heath, Lana, Jupiter and Slick... and a random guy, went to Truth island to do coke.

  • When they were all confessing their true feelings, it was Heath's turn to speak but he hesitated and went to the side of the island to talk to Party and told him that all he ever wanted was Her(Lana). Heath then accused Party of ruining his life and shot him with encouragement from Party to do it. After shooting Party, Heath saw from a distance the others were coming and he swam out to sea and disappeared for a few days and was undercover to fake his death.
  • During his funeral, he was apparently watching from a distance he pretended to be someone else who had his phone and texted a long written letter of his thoughts of her that was in his notes to Lana. Lana was touched by this message.
  • Heath told Ted that he hated that he still had feelings for her.
  • Things went south when he decided to come back from 'disappearing', he was soon told by Mia that Lana spoke to her and said Lana wished that he was dead. Heath was really hurt by this and tried to hide it by telling Mia, he didn't care.
  • This led to Heath avoiding Lana for awhile and they were back to hating the other.
  • On the day Lana was selling their house, Lana texted him about it and Heath had asked her about if she had really wanted him dead, and she said no as she created a funeral for him and would of been really sad if he did. They rekindled their friendship and said their goodbyes.
  • Recently, he was approached by Lana at the casino and Lana surprised him by flirting with him for a moment-- because she was having relationship troubles with Tommy, and left him standing outside the casino.
  • Lana found him at the Casino again where she acted surprised to find him there. Lana seem to shy to ask him something and was asking Pilbis for help. After Lana ran off, Pilbis told him that Lana wanted to go out with him and Heath was confused on why she didn't ask him herself and joked that everyone in the city are such pussies, but he agreed to go on a date with her.
  • When Lana called him on the phone at the casino to talk about how weirddd Pilbis was, he asked her to check her bank account to find he had give her 100k. He says it's because she's always complaining about being broke and Lana was happy by this.
  • They talked again when Lana twatted out that she was looking for Rich Sugar Daddy and Heath sent her a text asking why is she always broke? After, Heath asks her to check her bank account again to see he sent another 100k and said he had a gift for her. Lana then asks him to pick her up at the Mandem block and he was hesitant to go there but decided to come because of Lana's assurance that he'll be okay. Heath picked her up and took her to an alley to get her gift of bags and marked bills that added up to 200k, and Lana was shocked; she started questioning him on why would he do all of this for her-- especially all what she's done to him in the past. He replied, 'why not?'
Jupiter Adams [Close Friend]
*Upon initially meeting Jupiter, he didn't really think much of her, just seeing her as another one of Paris's friends. After Jupiter started coming around more frequently, the two got to know each other some more.
  • After Paris talked about Jupiter, her past, and the things the two had gone through together, he had a newfound respect for her. The two have a very lighthearted relationship and never take things too seriously.
  • Heath soon developed a crush on Jupiter as they spent time together, however Jupiter didn't seem to share the same feelings for him, the crush he had for her was fleeting and they remain as good friends. Jupiter was formerly a Saboteurs member.



  • Has terrible eye vision and has to wear his glasses to be able to see
  • Enjoys cooking and is a very clean/organized person
  • Heath has bad trust issues and trauma from past events in his life and seems hesitant to make new friends as a result
  • Has PTSD
  • Has a severe gambling addiction; went from half a million dollars to barely being able to afford food. Though he often claims he will be smarter with his money, he can never seem to break the habit
  • Has abandonment issues after losing several friends in his life, either from them dying, disappearing, or betraying him in some way
  • Heath seems to have a habit of self-sabotaging himself, often making things in his life much more difficult than need be
  • When stressed and angry enough, he may resort to violence. (Such as shooting someone)
  • Heath is a pathological liar with a flair for the dramatics; Not only has be faked his own kidnapping, but his own death as well
  • Heath's favorite color is red
  • The Tec-9 is his gun of choice, however they have not been reintroduced in the city since reconstruction
  • Though he doesn't do so anymore, Heath used to give everyone he met their own nicknames; Paris was 'Eiffel Tower', Matt Rhodes was 'Pavement', and Sevyn was '14 divided by 2', amongst others.
  • Has a diss track about him, called BFBF, from Liz Anya:


  • "HELLO???"
  • "YUP."
  • "AHHH!"
  • "Where the hell you been, loca?"
  • "You know Rick.. I may have a family of rats and snakes. But, at least I have a family!"
  • "He might be a clown, but you're going to get the last laugh."

