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Eve DiCenzo-Summers is a character role-played by EagleAye.


Eve is one of the current owners of Cerberus, and one of Los Santos' premier businesspeople. She also runs the storefront team alongside Nancy Drew and is part of the San Andreas State Construction crew. She also previously served two terms as Deputy Mayor and ran the cabinet of 7th mayor of Los Santos Lang Buddha. During Lang's mayoral term, he, Eve and Tim Collins founded the public benefit corporation AEGIS to oversee enforcement of civil law in the state. Eve serves as one of three board members controlling AEGIS, and has been the main driving force behind its operations getting off the ground. Eve was previously a member of The Guild.

Beneath her very clean and business focused exterior, Eve is one of Los Santos' biggest drug traffickers. Through the Rooster's Ranch she provided very large amounts of weed to the criminals of the city. Eve is also the city's main grower of heroin as part of Lang Buddha's operation, having gone through the strenuous process of perfecting the formula to 100% purity.


Eve Dicenzo-Summers is a boisterous environmental consultant from a small town in South Africa. Eve’s move to Los Santos on March 24, 2021 was provoked by the recent demise of her own town. When moving to Los Santos, Eve cut off her entire life back home including her family. Her love and passion for fauna and flora stems from the luscious regions surrounding her as a little girl. Eve has the motivation to do better, not just for her herself but most importantly for others. This is to ensure that big cities like Los Santos do not make mistakes in ruining the environment.

Eve used to be very naive, and was a person that always tried to see the good in people. After years of dealing with the city in her several positions of power, she's learned how entitled and demanding most people are, which has turned her very cynical. Dealing with so many corners of the city has also given her a very good ability at reading people and their intentions. These traits have given her a very good eye for people's potential, and always tries to enable and support those who she can see that potential in.

She has a real can-do attitude, and always works to her fullest ability to solve issues or problems she sees arise. This attitude is what has taken Eve to the top of the business pyramid in Los Santos. Another trait that has taken her far is always keeping her ear to the ground and gathering information from all around the city. This trait has caused her to gain the joking nickname "Wikevepedia", as she almost always has the answers to people's questions.

Eve struggles a lot with loss and has a big fear of abandonment. When dealing with loss, it tends to bring out her destructive habits such as isolating herself and drug abuse.

Eve has a short blonde pixie cut, blue eyes and freckles and can typically be found in either business wear or comfy loungewear once she's finished up her business days. Eve considers red to be her colour, and wears it as part of most of her business outfits. For casual outfits she tends to wear a lot of white.

She can often be seen towering over the men of Los Santos due to wearing high heels a lot.

Eve has three tattoos: a flower on her lower left arm, a tree of life on her upper left arm, and a sound wave on her left calf. The tree of life symbolizes her coming close to death during Eve's day off. The sound bar symbolizes her former relationship with Nicholas Simone and the important lessons she learned from that relationship.

Eve's Outfits


Lang Buddha

Eve has has a long standing relationship with Lang that can be traced back to her roots when she first worked at the Rooster's Ranch. Since then their relationship has grown ten fold into what it is today, Eve's become one of Lang's most trusted people a coveted position within Lang's circle that only a few have managed to obtain. With that she found herself being his keeper of secret's, secret's that could end lives of not only those who held them but those who went against them.

Over the years, the pair have worked harmoniously together on various business ventures as well as enacting out two Mayoral terms, the first term being one of Eve's fondest moments with Lang, ultimately leading to them becoming a lot closer not only as business associates but friends. Their relationship hasn't alway's been smooth sailing, on a number of occasion's Lang has "loyalty tested" Eve, something she began to hate as she felt like she'd shown her loyalty again and again. The worst falling out came when Eve had caught feeling's for Nicholas Simone, it resulted in Eve losing any trust Lang had in her and her Cerberus necklace was stripped from her. Whenever Eve reiterates the story to someone she always quotes how "Lang Buddha burnt down the city" just to find her. While Lang may endure emotional distress and grief onto Eve, he's never physically hurt her.

Out of anyone in the city, Eve has a unique understanding of Lang and who he is, most people see him as a arrogant, angry, power/money driven criminal but Eve, she know's he has a whole other side that he rarely lets come out. Eve has witnessed first hand how caring Lang can actually be, while he will never admit it he has a parent's love for Eve and has alway's strived to make her the best she can be. One of these moments came out during Eve's birthday where upon finding out Luciano hadn't thrown Eve a party he proceeded to call out Luciano for it infront of her.

As of today, Eve now own's Lang's 33% share of Cerberus following his retirement from the company. Eve unsure of where their relationship now lies following the retirement, she still regards him as her number one but Lang has expressed that the business should be first over anything.

Luciano DiCenzo

Luciano, or “Lucy” as Eve refers to him, is the love of Eve's life. After the two met at the rooster’s rest and several encounters with one another, overtime she started warming up to him. During this time Luciano started to court Eve, and asked her out for coffee several times but she was still reluctant due to her hurtful relationships and events that have occurred to her in the past. Later down the line, Luciano had a small mishap speaking as a character witness for Ramee El-Rahman at his bail hearing for the murder of Eve's father Commissioner Sam Baas, and then apologizing and emotionally supporting Eve, the two met at the inaugural pool party. At the party, Luciano told Eve that he would wait for her, as she was not yet ready. A few days later, after Eve left the Guild, she pinged Luciano to the dock at Catfish View. She told him about what had been going on with her, and told him what it would mean if they got together. Finally, she gave him a custom made coffee cup, and showed him a matching one for herself. Despite the infamous phrase that was passed down from Luciano’s ancestors “Love is bad for business” had later became something Eve and Luciano both agreed that the saying shouldn’t apply if it’s “in the business” On several occasions, Eve has said that Luciano is one of the few things keeping her sane in the city, and she values her time with him very highly. From a very early point in their relationship, Eve has mentioned that very early on in their relationship, she said “I’m gonna marry that man one day” to a mutual friend of theirs. The pair have very open communication, and are always there to support the other when they are struggling. Luciano gave Eve his redline chain, despite his own obsession with chains, to wear whenever she is feeling down and struggling to keep her from relapsing on her heroin addiction.

Eviano 2

Nancy Drew

Nancy Drew: Nancy is one of Eve’s closest friends and business partners. Together, they carry much of the weight of the city’s expectations on their shoulders–from Cerberus, giving out storefronts, working state construction, to just being straight up Queens. They have grown together throughout the years after arriving to Los Santos just days apart and experiencing countless loyalty tests from Lang. Nancy is also one of the few people in the city that can understand the complexity and depth of her and Eve’s relationship with Lang.

Lottie Mae

Lottie is Eve and Luciano's adopted daughter. Eve sees a lot of herself in Lottie, especially how she was when she first came to the city. Whilst a lot of people underrate Lottie, and simply view her as a child, Eve recognizes Lottie as very capable and perceptive and dislikes people infantilizing her. Despite this, Eve is still very protective of Lottie, and would ruin anyone she caught hurting her. Eve alongside Luci, is one of the few people Lottie has opened up to about her past.

Fiona Stewart

Fiona is Eve's adoptive sister through their adoptive father Sam Baas. Whilst Eve has many sisters, Fiona is the one that she is the closest to. The two were both members of the Guild together, and Fiona also left the group shortly after Eve left. Currently both sisters are part of Cerberus, where Fiona leads the HR-department. Eve is very supportive of Fiona's work, and has helped her wherever possible with her efforts in building her department.

Johnny Divine

Divine is Eve's cousin, as he's the blood nephew of her father Sam Baas. The cousins have only known each other for a short time, only starting to get to know each other following the death of Baas. Divine wanted to check up on Eve following his uncle's death, as he was concerned that other people weren't checking up on her following such a traumatic event. After Divine left the PD, and turned enemy of the state on the run in the wake of the Sanguine War, Eve made sure to check up on her cousin and offered him support if needed. Divine was eventually caught and imprisoned and put on long parole. Divine came out of prison 500k in debt and without a job or vehicle, so Eve gave him her Winky and pulled some strings to get him a job at PDM. Ever since the two have kept up communication and talk almost daily.

Aria Bakker

Aria was formerly Eve’s adopted daughter who Eve lovingly described as “always high” and would often leave the city for extended periods of time before returning. Aria was fiercely protective of Eve and was greatly enraged when Eve was kidnapped and shot together with Nancy Drew as part of Rust’s failed Batman plan. Upon her most recent return to the city, Eve introduced Aria to the Italians whom she quickly grew close to, particularly Carlo who she dated after he claimed that he would ruin her life. Eve trusted Aria so much that she proposed to Lang that they kidnap Crystal Clear using Aria as bait in Crystal’s storefront. All seemed well until the day Aria slipped up and suggested to Carlo that he join Gulag Gang and she mentioned to Eve that she spoke on the phone with Julian. With suspicions of Aria being an informant to Julian at an all-time high, Eve gave the okay to the Italians to do what they needed to do to Aria. Aria was tortured, but still did not provide any information as to why she did it or what she did. The next day, Aria wrote in a notepad to Eve that she did it to protect Eve. However, since then, Aria’s story has changed many times and her and Eve have grown apart. To this day, it is still unclear what the true motivation of Aria being an informant for Julian was. On October 6, 2023, Aria sent a share note to Eve where Aria disowned Eve as her mother.

Leslie Lingberg

Eve looks up to Leslie with the utmost respect and considers him one of her greatest mentors. She often ponders “what would Leslie do?” when making decisions and embodies Leslie’s favorite quote, “Do not stare at tree waiting for nut,” by always taking initiative. Following Eve’s day off, Leslie was vital in mediating between Lang and Eve and reminded all sides to look at all perspectives. Leslie similarly greatly respects Eve and as such, together with Lang, promoted Eve to co-ownership where he said, “Eve, thank you for your relentless expertise in business, your willingness to learn, and your skills that you’ve acquired within the company or skills that you’ve acquired prior. But regardless, skills that you have brought to us and that has helped us to bring us to where we are today.

Notable Events[]

Eve's Day Off

Eve served as a Deputy Mayor in Lang Buddha's mayoral administration. During his first mayoral term, he provoked a feud with Nicholas Simone over the Simone Memorial Hospital that he built and owned. Lang interpreted Nick's ownership of the hospital as a "privatization" of medical care by a "terrorist", and wanted to cut off all State funding to the hospital. Lang called Nick a terrorist on Twatter and taunted him with the following state announcement about his brother Michael Simone (who had secretly faked his own death): "We are currently investigating the death of Michael Simone. Any information please bring it to the government ASAP. Reward available, thank you." Nick angrily blew up Lang's car in the Cerberus Business Center parking garage and spray-painted "MICHAEL WAS HERE" next to it. When Nick began dating Eve to get back at Lang, Nick's friend Nancy Drew forewarned Eve about it and lost Nick's friendship as a result.

On March 19, 2023, Lang stirred on Twatter: "When did the hospital become a gang compound for the diamond dogs(who work for the simones) and a place that sells drugs. bring back hospitals that are ran by the people, for the people." Lang accepted Diamond Dogs leader Sai Carter's phone invitation to a meeting in front of the hospital, where he baited Sai and Lizzie Byrne into shooting at his armored car with Eve in the passenger seat. Lang overestimated how bulletproof the car was and collapsed from gunshot wounds. Pushing a narrative that the Simones had orchestrated an assassination attempt on the Mayor, Lang and Harry Brown forced Eve, Nancy Drew, Yeager Demonblood, and The Guild to choose their loyalties between him and their Simone friends. Lang's loyalty test of Eve upset her due to everything she had done for him.

On March 21, 2023 during "Eve's day off" without a phone, Nick hunted for Yeager at Icecrown Citadel with a gun for spooking "Simone sister" Andi Jones into distancing herself from the conflict. During a search for where Eve had disappeared to, Lang, Harry, Marlo Stanfield, Fiona Stewart, and Lando Stormborn held up Nick at the Diamond Casino and Resort so that Lang could take screencaps of his text messages. After escaping from the casino without getting caught by the police, Lang was stunlocked to read that Eve and Nick were still texting each other. Lang suspended Eve from Cerberus and took away her Cerberus necklace, and Leslie Lingberg returned to the city to mediate between them. Wanting to put the drama behind him before the upcoming mayoral election, Lang unsuspended Eve. On April 7, 2023, Lang won re-election against Osvaldo by only 79 votes. After Lang and his campaign team celebrated at Cerberus Business Center, Lang gave Eve her Cerberus necklace back.

The next day, Eve upset Nick by bringing Lexi Law, Lando, and Antonio Rodrigues along to a message tree that Nick had secretly pinged only Eve to. When a drone bombarded Icecrown Citadel with an airstrike, The Guild swore revenge on Nick. Convinced that Nick had flown away to "Denmark", Lang's adopted son Yeager, Lando, Bjorn, Eve, Lexi, and Antonio hunted for Nick's hospital friend Bunny and installed cameras at her properties. Having given up on friendship with Andi Jones over the Simones' leaking of Yeager's bench to the HOA, Yeager told Lang he wanted to test Nancy Drew's loyalty with an order to bring Bunny to The Guild. Lang laughed, kept repeating that Nancy didn't owe The Guild anything, told them to find Bunny themselves, and threatened to kill Yeager if he went after Nancy. When Lang argued with Yeager over Andi leaking his bench, Yeager shot Lexi down with the intent to ocean dump her to make her forget what she heard. Enraged, Lang disowned Yeager, took away his keys to the Rooster's Rest bench, and started referring to him by his government name "Kayn". Yeager left The Guild, took away their keys to Icecrown Citadel, and started referring to Lang as "Lang" rather than "Emperor". After Yeager unsuccessfully asked Mayor Lang to agree (or pretend to agree) to pardon Michael in exchange for Diamond Dog Reed Dankleaf betraying Nick, Lang discovered that the Senate passed legislation to turn Cayo Perico into its own Sovereign State—owned and operated by Commandant Yeager Demonblood—named Sanguine Isle.

Departure from The Guild

Lang Buddha began to distrust Eve due to her continued association with Yeager and The Guild, forecasting that she would eventually have to choose between them and Cerberus. Convinced that Yeager had joined Gulag Gang and was the one who had leaked Lang's bombing of the Lucky Plucker to GG, Lang prepared to arm Rooster's Rest security for war by crafting rocket launchers with Denzel Williams on the Guild Hall bench. Eve caught them in the act and got upset, and The Guild subsequently removed Lang's keys to the Guild Hall and bench. Lang removed The Guild's keys, cut ties with them, and threatened to kick them out of Vinewood if they didn't leave.

Under siege from both GG and the The Mandem, the Rooster's Rest property turned into a war zone. After Harry Brown rammed Yeager's car and threatened him to get out of Vinewood, their argument ended with Harry gunning Yeager down. Fed up with getting shot down by Harry and Speedy without any punitive action from Lang, Yeager finally decided to side with Gulag Gang against Lang and supplied GG with RPGs to "raze Rooster's Rest to the ground". Also when Fiona Stewart informed Lang that Denzel's adopted son Lando was leaking Lang's participation in the Talon terrorist organization, Lang and Denzel plotted to kill Lando (and potentially other Guild members who took the Talon death oath). After hearing from Fiona about Yeager supplying GG to blow up Rooster's Rest, Lang forewarned Det. Juno Sweeney (who ironically Lang now trusted while GG and Pred considered her corrupt) over the phone and named Yeager as the source of all of the bombs.

On August 16, 2023 during Eve's leave of absence, Lang accepted her phone invitation to Rooster's Ranch fully expecting her to leave Cerberus. Eve announced to Lang, Leslie Lingberg, and Denzel Williams that she was leaving The Guild and all of their businesses. Lang confided in Eve that he and Denzel planned to kill Lando Stormborn.

After Commandant Yeager refused the peace terms of Commissioner Axel Justice and Director Brian Knight to let them search Sanguine Isle for weapons manufacturing, the State of San Andreas invaded Sanguine Isle on August 28, 2023. Although Yeager avoided the death penalty, he received 120 years in prison for treason and then an additional 30 years in prison for the televised murder of Commissioner Axel Justice.

Inheritance of Cerberus

On September 7, 2023, Leslie Lingberg and Lang formally offered both of their VPs of Operations Eve and Nancy Drew ownership shares in their new company replacing Cerberus, as well as promotions to "elevated" shareholder meetings with them. At a Cerberus business party on September 21, 2023 in the VIP Lounge of the Cerberus Arena, Leslie formally announced the promotions of Eve and Nancy to co-ownership of the newly restructured company to be named "Raven Incorporated". Lang then announced his surprise retirement from Cerberus.

Impatient over the delay of his 150 million dollar severance package, Lang emptied $414,612,775 from the Cerberus account and the businesses under its umbrella. Lang liquidated the money into piles of cash at Clean Manor, and burned 40 million dollars of it until Tim Collins finalized his retirement agreement. In the Lang Buddha Severance Agreement signed on October 9, 2023, Lang returned the money and transferred all 33% of his Cerberus shares to Eve in exchange for a 50 million dollar severance package and ownership of Rooster's Rest, Cerberus Industries, and Cerberus Industries Armory.

Trivia and Quotes[]

  • Eve does not like rabbits and enjoys pushing them into fires.
  • Eve once helped Lang Buddha in the torturing of Trooper Crystal Clear.
  • Eve enjoys towering over the men of Los Santos and referring to them as "smol".
  • Eve's dog, Kishaun (ZaPoodle), has an addiction to cocaine after being in the care of Zaceed Skengerton.
  • Larry Knox claims Eve as his mother.
  • Purple is Eve's favorite colour
  • Was once described as "The prodigy of our combined minds. She is everything that we've ever wanted. If she was lab created, I could not have made her more perfect" by Leslie Lingberg.
  • Was called the energy of Cerberus by Lang Buddha
  • Is in possession of Lang's chicken KFC
  • Eve participated in the first degree murder of Cerberus accountant Dominic Luciano alongside Lang Buddha, Tony Corleone and Speedy
  • In the Squid Game event Eve's number was 444

  • "I'm reformed"
  • "What would Leslie do?" (when faced with difficult situations, or situations that requires pettiness)
  • "That's Crazy"
  • "Being a Queen"(in response to Zaceed Skengerton asking what her day job was)
  • "I dropped an AA turret on children playing in the backyard yesterday so its whatever"
  • "I deserve the world and I want you to be my world" (to Luciano)
  • "I am Eve, you can't say evil without eve"
  • "Just because I'm a white woman from Africa doesn't mean I'm gonna adopt everybody"
  • "She doesn't give the GOOD suck" (responding to Zaceed telling her Juno Sweeney is a vampire that sucks the fun out)
  • "Me, a dwug twafficker? Never. I'm just a bidniss woman."
  • "I'm the only one that can call your name out" (to Luciano)
  • "Oh I taste that every night" (to Luciano when he was talking about getting Italian wine so she could taste the true Italian flavor)
  • "I'd have to tell him I call you daddy at night"(to Luciano when wondering if Carlo Marciano wanted Luciano to be his dad)


Played By: EagleAye
Characters: Eve SummersDawn WintersCathy PlembinsMaple AutumnPoppy Mae
