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Doug Ryker is a character role-played by ellyhuh

General Description[]

Doug Ryker, born in the state of Ohio, is a middle aged male with dark hair, an aged face and flecks of grey showing through.

He has reconciled with his wife since the war, and has moved back to Los Santos whilst his wife and child remain in Ohio, which is ordinarily one of the first things he mentions when you get talking to him for more than a minute.

He doesn't often speak his thoughts, and only speaks generally when spoken to. He can be seen as stern initially, but tends to speak more openly and candid when he gains trust in the people or groups he's talking to.

Doug, a history of[]

Former PD Tow FTO and War Veteran with multiple years in Law Enforcement in different counties.

Initial PD Application submitted - February 2024

Doug submitted his PD Application for the LSPD back in February 2024, he was invited by Interim Captain Aldo Jackson for an interview, but this was then cancelled when Chief Beric was appointed.

Second PD Application submitted - March 2024

When the new application was created, he managed to apply straight away. As of July 2024 he is still awaiting an interview.

Third PD Application submitted - July 2024 - BCSO Specific

Doug Ryker arranged to meet with Deputy Bean at the Sheriff's office in Sandy Shores, he then paid the $2,500 dollar and applied to join the BCSO.

Doug wishes to join the LSPD, however as he feels committed to becoming law enforcement in general, he is open to any option at this present time.

Doug had picked up a recommendation from Cohen Ryker. All though he is of no relation, they seem to get along well. Doug isn’t aware that Cohen was fired (July 2024).

Doug has picked up a recommendation from his friends Rick Pickle & Aimee Laine of the LSPD.

Facts about Doug[]

  • He thinks that Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas are countries and France/Spain etc are States. A true thoroughbred American, who is adamant that America is the home and the land of the free.
  • He was unsuccessfully home-schooled from the age of 11 by his maw.
  • The reason for his voice sounding so rough is due to him being kicked in the throat by a horse when 12.