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The Department of Justice is the main government entity of Los Santos.

Structure and Powers[]

One service the DOJ provides is granting licenses for the citizens of Los Santos. They are able to grant Business, Vendor's, Driver's, Hunting, Fishing, Pilot's, Weapon's and Alcohol licenses. Each have associated prices. Some have expiration dates and must be renewed. All of them can be removed in the event of misconduct.

The Judges are responsible for drafting and putting forward laws that exist in the city as well as any amendment to the Los Santos Constitution.

The Senate oversees the city and can overrule any decision made by the Judges or Mayor. They were granted unlimited power.

The concept of Separation of Powers is quite blurred in Los Santos. Whilst the Mayor's Office operates mostly on its own, separate from the Judges, there is a large amount of overlap in duties and powers.

As of April 7th, 2022, Alan Crane has been appointed to serve as the Chief Judge by the Senate, a permanent (non-elected) position. On May 29th, major changes were made to the Department, resulting in several ranks of judges.



The Justices exist as overarching administrators for the Department of Justice. These officials are appointed directly by The Senate, and are responsible for department-wide policies and high-level decisions. They are led by the Chief Justice.

Senior Judges[]

Senior Judges are those with ample experience, authority, and prestige within the Department. Their main responsibility is guiding and training lower-level judges, and helping them grow within the department. In addition, their experience makes them solely responsible for Criminal Docket Cases, most commonly consisting of Heinous or Trial charges. They are also given the authority to review Warrants and Subpoenas independently, though this responsibility is mainly left to Appointed Judges, with their oversight.

Appointed Judges[]

Appointed Judges are chosen specially by The Senate. Their responsibilities include those of Elected Judges, in addition to the following:

  • Expungements
  • Civil Docket Cases
  • Criminal Docket Appeals
  • Warrant Review (with Senior supervision)

Elected Judges[]

Elected Judges are voted on by the general public of Los Santos. After two terms in office, they will either be appointed to a permanent position, or they will be released from the Department. Their responsibilities include:

  • Bench Trials
  • Small-Claims Civil Court
  • Vanity License Plates
  • Open Court Sessions
  • Issuing Licenses
  • Open-Court Criminal Appeals

In Memory[]

In memory of members of the DOJ who have passed away, either by natural or unnatural ways.

Name Title Cause of Death Date of Death
Basem Shahin Deputy Mayor Killed by Denzel Williams July 31st, 2021
Malcador Sigilite Assistant District Attorney Killed by Elizabeth Byrne August 19th, 2021
Juno Lemieux Special Prosecutor Killed by Maenad Thiasus February 9th, 2022
John Doe FMR. Assistant District Attorney/Special Prosecutor Killed by Tyrell Fresh October 21st, 2022
Kail Avile Deputy Mayor Unknown December 15th, 2022
Antigone Weston Justice Killed by Anastasia Loreley May 25th, 2023

Capital Punishment[]

San Andreas is a death penalty state. There have been several orders for the death penalty since the government restructure, these are listed in order of sentencing:

Name Judge Execution Method Date of Death
Finn Harlow This character is deceased
Antigone Weston & Dennis LaBarre
Firing squad
April 13th, 2021
Balboa Conti This character is deceased
Antigone Weston & Dennis LaBarre
Lethal injection
May 23rd, 2021
Mel Rickenbacker
Dennis LaBarre
Maenad Thiasus This character is deceased
Norman Adams
Lethal injection
April 2nd, 2022
Alvin Kowhal This character is deceased
Judge Holden
Firing squad
April 23rd, 2022
Cordelia Woods This character is deceased
Nathaniel Greyson & Siobhan Fitzpatrick
Lethal injection
July 10th, 2022
Jameson Rovia This character is deceased
Siobhan Fitzpatrick
Firing squad
October 22nd, 2022
Daisy Pock This character is deceased
Siobhan Fitzpatrick
Firing squad
December 22nd, 2022
Anastasia Loreley This character is deceased
Judiciary as a whole
Lethal injection
May 31st, 2023
Gwyar Cythraul This character is deceased
Norman Adams
Firing Squad
June 10th, 2023
William Nutt This character is deceased
Nathaniel Greyson & Adelaide Hart
Firing Squad
June 24th, 2023
Abigail Archer This character is deceased
Norman Adams & Adelaide Hart
Firing Squad
July 1st, 2023
Gary Gripps This character is deceased
Norman Adams, Nathaniel Greyson & Serge Cross
Firing Squad
June 30, 2023
Valko Yordanov This character is deceased
Nathaniel Greyson, Adelaide Hart, Jacob Slate, & Norman Adams
Firing Squad
July 22nd, 2023

Judge Election Results[]

August 2021 Election

Polls Closed - August 27th, 2021

Candidate Votes %
Ali Habibi %
Ferst Temple %
John Bailey %
Allison Thomas %
Alan Crane %
Coyote Russell %
Judge Holden %
Adam Prince %
Tidus Schwinghammer %
Lawrence Splainer %
October 2021 Election

Polls Closed - October 31st, 2021

Candidate Votes %
Judge Holden 394 %
Arthur MacNee 372 %
Shannon O'Banion
(Chose not to accept the position)
256 %
Nathaniel Greyson %
Tim Collins %
January 2022 Election

Polls Closed - January 3rd, 2022

Candidate Votes %
Alan Crane %
Norman Adams %
Larry Hallow %
Tim Collins %
March 2022 Election

Polls Closed - March 4th, 2022

Candidate Votes %
Reggie Might 275 26.65%
Serge Cross 244 23.64%
Coyote Russell 204 19.77%
Elizabeth Devereaux 167 16.18%
Siobhan Fitzpatrick 144 13.95%
May 2022 Election

Polls Closed - May 6th, 2022

Candidate Votes %
Nathaniel Greyson 186 27.56%
Siobhan Fitzpatrick 144 21.33%
Katya Zamalodchikova 141 20.89%
Ray Montag 137 20.30%
Gronberto Grizwaltstein 67 10.07%
August 2022 Election

Polls Closed - August 19th, 2022

Candidate Votes %
Seren Aide 205 19.84%
Kyle Pred
(Chose to not resign from PD to take office as a Judge)
180 17.42%
Scarlett Winters 137 13.26%
Judge Holden 137 13.26%
John Bailey 114 11.03%
Bill Maze
(Tie with John Bailey was decided by The Senate based on pending Bar Complaints)
114 11.03%
Garry Berry 78 7.55%
William Stout 68 6.58%
January 2023 Election

Polls Closed - January 17, 2023

Candidate Votes %
Buck Stanton 354 17.09%
Tidus Schwinghammer 338 16.32%
Bill Maze 252 12.17%
Antigone Weston 220 10.62%
John Hydra 184 8.88%
Coyote Russell 181 8.74%
William Stout 176 8.50%
Lawrence Splainer 172 8.31%
Randy Bantham 109 5.26%
Jacob Slate 85 4.10%
April 2023 Election

Polls Closed - April 7, 2023

Candidate Votes %
Siobhan Fitzpatrick 489 17.03%
Nathaniel Greyson 473 16.48%
Norman Adams 322 11.22%
Rosa Garcia 292 10.17%
Percy Weaver 261 9.09%
Wynona Fontaine 229 7.98%
Ray Montag 186 6.48%
Willy Glory 175 6.09%
Anastasia Gatsby 174 6.06%
Jerry Callow 154 5.36%
Jacob Slate 116 4.04%
June 2023 Election

No polls were opened, as there were only Four Applicants for Four Seats.

Anastasia Gatsby
Jacob Slate
Percy Weaver
Denied by The Senate
Maya Mahmoud
Denied by The Senate
August 2023 Election

Polls Closed - August 7th, 2023

Anastasia Gatsby
Elizabeth Gates
Alexandra Carlson
William Stout