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Dan Clan is a family based in Los Santos that has lived in the area for over a thousand years.

Most of them have the surname "Dan" or something rhyming with Dan. The surname often describes a person with a fedora, a sweater or orange bowling T-shirt, a pair of blue jeans, and a pair of brown shoes.

Origins of Dan[]

The Dan family is an unexplainable mystery and they seemingly just keep appearing at random. Their origins are enigmatic; however, it is said "Fingle was a pioneer of genetic research who began to lose his mind and his paranoia made a Faustian bargain with an eldritch god to extend his life infinitely via cloning, but it all went wrong and his mind fractured into dozens of different versions of himself, each of which became its own Dan."

Notable Events[]


  • "Man."
  • "Yes, man."
Dan Clan
Family: Fingle DanDingle FanWingle DanVingle DanKringle DanPringle DanBingle DanMingle DanBadabingle DanKingle DanFingill DanBroskingle DanDrizingle DanBaneskingle DanPeachingle DanTexingle DanAdmingle DanKermingle DanTreyingle DanGarekingle DanKittingle DanMcCingle DanJudgingle DanLocingle DanVampingle DanGringle DanBurningle DanTingle DanPala DanCardingle Dan

Other members: SuckabergRobot
