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Damien Sharp is a character role-played by HexTheDemon.

Background Info[]

Damien Sharp was born and raised in Florida. Damien was born with parents that hated him for reasons he doesn't know Damien has an older sister named April Sharp who cares about Damien and took care of him when their parents didn't take care like parents are supposed to.

The only reason Damien was still with his family is because his parents wanted their daughter to be happy and she was so happy to have a little brother, but his parents did not love Damien as they abused him mentally and physically. Damien's sister knew about the abuse she would hug Damien at night and tell him that she is there for him and loved him so much as her little brother, as it put a smile on his face as he told her "I'm so happy to have the best elder sister ever". The abuse started when Damien was about 12 and stopped around when Damien was 18.

When Damien was about 13 years old Damien and his sister were walking home from the park, as they were attacked by a mugger. Damien watch his sister protect him as he saw her get beat up and then he blacked out. The last thing he remembers was blacking out and then the color red. Damien's sister protected him and never told him what happened as she didn't want him to know.

When Damien moved in with his girlfriend since she was pregnant and wanted to be there for the child. They found out that they were going to have a baby girl when she was born Damien took a picture with her in his arms then she started to turn blue cause of her lungs were weak. The doctors tried their best to save her life but she was gone. That night Damien's girlfriend had left him alone asleep as she packed up and didn't tell him where she was going.

Damien arrived at Los Santos to start a new life. Damien still looks at the picture to remember his baby.

Fun Facts[]

  • Damien didn't actually lose his eye to an Unknown group, but to someone else.
  • Damien holds on to 3 MC vests Sinister Souls VP, and Chaos Legion Road Captain, and an Unknown MC Road Captain vest


Played By: HexTheDemon
Characters: Damien SharpEthan Burn
