Conan is renowned in the city for being boisterous and a prankster. However, he can be an excellent field and pursuit leader when needed, as he has demonstrated multiple times. [1][2]. He is also highly protective as a department lead, and constantly working to make the San Andreas State Park Rangers a better division.
Background Information[]
Conan Clarkson, born and raised in Liberty City, always wanted to be a Park Ranger. Ever since he was a boy, he had a fascination for wildlife and nature. He would always bring home rabbits and squirrels to his mom to see if he could eat it.
Eventually, he grew out of bringing home roadkill, and decided to preserve parks and oversee recreations. He moved to Los Santos and became a Park Ranger for the San Andreas State Parks Center
Notable Events[]
After Seven Years in Jail
Momentous Dates within the Government[]
Department of Justice[]
Marshall Intern
Promoted to Marshall Intern by Marshall Director & Justice Brittany Angel
Brian Knight and Conan have known each other for a long time and are very close. The two worked together in the Old City frequently, and can sometimes be seen patrolling together now.
The two are a dangerous duo when together, with Knight supplying the "evil ideas" and Conan doing it, as Knight remarked in The People vs Kyle Pred, on April 7th, 2022.
Sam Baas and Conan are close friends, with Baas being one of Conan and the SASPR's biggest advocates. Baas also helps Conan with managing his department, with Conan regularly coming to him for advice regarding potential Rangers and the odd promotion.
T.J. Mack and Conan have known each other for a long time. The two enjoy a very close relationship, having been officers for 3 years, and can sometimes be seen patrolling together when Conan is on duty.
Jack Ripley and Conan are good friends within the Police Department. Jack usually backs Conan up whenever he needs it, and often supports him with Command issues, especially disciplining other officers. The two members of the State Police can often be found engaging in SBS behaviour when together.
Conan and Tessa are good friends, with Tessa being one of the three longest serving Rangers in the San Andreas State Park Rangers. Tessa is one of the first people that Conan will speak with regarding department matters, and strongly values her input on making the department better. Conan and Tessa also support each other with legislation changes and budget issues, with Tessa having instituted several changes in legislation pertaining to Hunting and Fishing, and Conan being largely responsible for obtaining and using funds to better the Park Ranger Department.
As the Original Park Ranger, Conan and Ziggy are good friends. As the two leads of the San Andreas State Park Rangers, the two have built the department from the ground up, along with Tessa Lamb, making the Department one of the most stable and enjoyable departments to be in, second only to the San Andreas State Police.