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Cody Speedwagon is a character role-played by Pez_Br0 on Twitch

Cody Speedwagon is the Vigilantly know as the Highwayman, The well-respected dinner guest, that dude with a shit nose, and the ugly red-headed aussie.

Cody was told that he was a shit person and an even shitter dinner guest back in his home town of Sydney Australia. He packed up what little belongings he owned and made his way to the land of opportunity... Japan! He noticed when he landed in Japan that it was being called Los Santos and no one was speaking Japanese. Deciding to just roll with it, Cody made a new life in English Japan and quickly befriended a fellow Aussie, Shaneo Powers, who was the "blokes on blokes Dollardooer" for the Bondi Boys & Babes Motorcycle club (BBMC). Cody would get to be known has a pretty cool dude amongst the members of the BBMC when he was around the, but called a fuckwit when he turned away.

After breaking the rules of the BBMC one too many times, the VP of the Club, Jaxon Haze threaten to shoot Cody if he was caught lying again to disrespecting the club one more time. This was a turning point for Cody as he already had an issue with Jax not appreciating Cody's 4.6% (or maybe 6.1%, it's a bit hazzy on the exact percentage) Hawaiian blood and heritage and told Jax to that if he was going to shoot him, then he should grow a pair and just shoot him. Jax being the coward everyone mentions he is, decided to let Cody walk away.

After leaving the BBMC, Cody went rouge and started robbing people on the highway out of LS toward Paleto, after a few successful robberies, people began to call the robberies conducted by "The Highwaymen", Cody quickly took this mantle in secret.

One day, Cody was finishing up an oxy run South Side when a member of the Lost, Gary Adams rammed his car into Cody's car then held him hostage at claimes he was the highwayman that robbed Kendra Davis at the mechanic shop in Harmony. Even with no proof of these actions, the Lost and a hand full of members of the Vargos tried to execute Cody in a silo near the docks. Cody managed to recover from his wounds, but the rage and vengeance did not.

Cody cast aside the identity of Cody Speedwagon "The Highly regarded dinner guest" and became The Highwayman. With the title, he took the belief that now every road connected to the highway is now his territory and would govern judgment to the criminals of the gangs, the civilians defending the gangs, and the PD that failed to bring the Lost and the Vargos to justice. Carefully planned attacks took place over the coming weeks, which resulted in death by fire, stolen property, an annoyed mechanic, and the kidnapping and assault of 20+ gang members, citizens, and burning of a PD officer Sydney Bearmont.

The number of the Highwaymen has grown, but only 2 members have been discovered, Cody Speedwagon and Fred Kelly (He thinks his Ned Kelly's brother)

The last known contact from the Highwayman was in a recording fro Weazle New's George Stonefinger after he was kidnapped and forced to film the highwayman > HERE < Cody lets the people of the city know that they are not safe until the PD clean up the streets and send these gangs packing out of English Japan!

Cody is still at large till this day..
