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Chut McMillan is a character role-played by Octopimp


Finally running out of patience, Chut's parents kicked their 31 year old son out of the house because he refused to find a job. His justification for this involved the phrase "It just doesn't line up with my worldview bros!" Since returning to his birthplace of Los Santos this perspective has shifted, as Chut has realized that a job in customer service can help him make the lives of his fellow human beings just a little bit better by entertaining and empathising with the public while on the job. Customers have described his service at the Rooster's Rest as "Fantastic, dinner and a show."

He's averagely built with bleached-blonde hair and a black goatee. Chut dislikes the confines of t-shirts, preferring the freedom of open-buttoned Hawaiian shirts instead. Spending most of his time at the beach, Chut wears shorts and sandals to complete the surfer look, and never goes anywhere without his bracelets. After adopting the role of the Vibe Sorcerer, he is always seen wearing his Cone of Safety and Jacket of Star-Spangled Might.


A real beach-bum himbo character. Chut somewhat unwittingly allows himself to be persuaded to perform tasks for other people, usually being convinced that he will be committing a good deed, though truly having his friendliness and desire to fit in with everyone taken advantage of. Chut is accurately described as being 'low intelligence, high wisdom'.

Chut is a compassionate soul, whether it be people, animals, or even the environment. He refuses to drive, or even take a taxi, on the grounds that he doesn't want to participate in the decline of the planets health. Instead, Chut chooses to walk, or bike to his destination using his trusty bicycle he named Lucille.

Since discovering that electric vehicles have seen a huge boom in recent years Chut has shifted his position slightly and now drives an electric surfer bus. With the slow introduction of Yami Chut, Chut has been more willing to accept rides from people driving non-electric vehicles.

As a result of his parents being investment bankers Chut is unusually knowledgeable about money management and the stock market, though he shows no interest in using this knowledge for personal gain.

Yami Chut[]

A personality born from the darker emotions of the otherwise jovial and wholesome Chut McMillan, Yami Chut is a product of trauma, and acts as an outlet for Chut to express his more reckless and violent urges without internally compromising his ideals and beliefs. Mere minutes after his first manifestation Yami Chut expressed the desire to rob a bank, and even threatened to stab Ellie Dono for snitching on him to Lars Haverford.

Yami Chut is more confident and intelligent than his counterpart, though information shared between the two must be a willing exchange, otherwise only Yami Chut is able to access the thoughts and memories of Light Chut. More goal driven, Yami Chut places more emphasis on efficiency and results than Chut, who simply wants everyone to have fun in the pursuit of their dreams.

Ellie refers to Yami Chut as "Cool Chut."

Early No-Pixel Life[]

Despite his aversion to work, Chut put a lot of effort into finding his niche in Los Santos. After exploring the city and meeting some of its residents he found that his good nature and sage-like wisdom was useful for bringing comfort to the downtrodden. From this realization was born Chuts Chats, swiftly renamed to Feels on Wheels, a life-coaching business that Chut advertises as being a mobile unlicensed therapy clinic. Since starting this business Chut spent most of his time biking around the city bringing peace of mind to his clients.

After making friends with a group of LARPers, Chut took on the role of a Vibe Sorcerer and shifted his focus from his slow business in unlicensed therapy to working at the Rooster's Rest as a Chef. Though Feels on Wheels may have died, Chuts desire to help has only been further inflamed, and he goes out of his way to make every meal as special for the customer as he can, whether he puts on a show while cooking or just offers heartfelt advice. This dedicated approach to his job impressed his boss Lang Buddha so much that he appointed Chut as the Head Chef of the Rooster's Rest.

Yami Chut Arc[]

While traveling to work, Chut was kidnapped and used as a hostage in a failed cornerstore robbery, where he was gunned down along with Gary Roche and almost a dozen other individuals. This near-death experience left Chut traumatized and jaded, opening his eyes to the cruelty of Las Santos. Since then, Chut has shown glimpses of a darker side, expressing his desire for revenge, and showing increasing willingness to engage in morally gray and criminal activity, most notably with Fingle Dan. These feelings and realizations were the antithesis of who Chut is, and with no way of sorting through them Chut did the next best thing by locking them away in the costume he would have used for his Duelist class-change, had he comitted to it.

Chut revealed to Ellie Dono that all of the negative aspects of his personality have been contained within what he calls "The Dark Outfit." Perhaps not the best person to confide in, Ellie immediately wished to see the outfit, despite multiple warnings from Chut. Being a people pleaser, Chut obliged her request, and Yami Chut was unleashed upon the world.

Episode List[]

Season 1: Early-Life Arc
Episode 1: Chut and the City

Episode 2: How to Make Friends and Influence Chut

Episode 3: Lord of the Chuts: Fellowship of the Guild

Episode 4: Lord of the Chuts: The Two Braincells

Episode 5: Lord of the Chuts: Return of Employment

Episode 6: Chutiko - With Extra Obi Livion OVA

Episode 7: Chut Hard

Episode 8: Food Wars! Shokugeko no Chut

Episode 9: Alien Chutsurrection

Episode 10: When Chut met Ellie...

Episode 11: Obi Livion: The Movie Feat. Chut McMillan's Day Off OVA

Episode 12: Chutbusters

Episode 13: Chut Mcmillan and the Saucerer's Van

Episode 14: Chut Hard 2: Chut Harder

Episode 15: Teenage Mutant Ninja Chuts

Episode 16: Chut and Gloryon Make a Baby

Episode 17: Chut McMillan and the Parking Lot of Secrets

Episode 18: Chut and Ellie Do America

Season 2: Yami Chut Arc
Episode 19: Oldchut

Episode 20: Brokechut Mountain

Episode 21: Legendary Gambler Chutsuya

Episode 22: Breaking Chut

Episode 23: Chut and Fingle's Excellent Adventure

Episode 24: Chut to the Future

Episode 25: Chutashi Kashi

Episode 26: The Chut Side of Dimensions


  • "I'm not very liquid at the moment."
  • "POOF in a cloud of smoke I, Chut the Food Alchemist appear from the Food Dimension!"
  • "Later, Skater!"
  • "Good Morrow, No Sorrow!"
  • "My name's Chut: C-H-U- and T, as in Tubular!"
  • "I trust you implicitly."

