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Chesca Raiola is a character role-played by vindihere.


Chesca Raiola is an award winning female rapper of Los Santos. She is known simply by the artist name CHESCA. She is signed to Wu-Chang Records.


Chesca is known for her signature blonde hair. Usually dressing in a more casual style with multiple tattoos decorating her arm and back.


Chesca can be described as a witty, charismatic and easy-going individual. Able to match the energy of whatever room she's in, it's difficult to pin her down into any box. She has paranoia about people coming after her, often times unable to relax as she believes someone is coming for her. She is a person dedicated to her craft while also showcasing a sense of insecurity regarding what she releases. After playing songs, she seems surprised by praise she receives or even seeks it out by asking those individuals if it was good. She typically comes off as reserved individual due to the fact that she keeps her true emotions close to her chest, rarely opening up emotionally or speaking about her past.


Chesca was born in Italy before moving to the United States when she was three years old. She lived on the East Coast with her parents until she moved to Los Santos.

She had a good relationship with her father but did not hold a verbally affectionate relationship with him. This relationship caused her to develop the habit of leaving her emotions on paper. She showcases this through her rap or through journaling in her diary. She's also been seen leaving notes behind to others to express her emotions to them.

She developed a fear of the ocean after a traumatic event occurred in her childhood. When she was younger, she and her family were set to go jet skiing while on vacation. Nobody noticed that her dog, Sniffles', leash had was attached to one of the jet skis. He was dragged off into the ocean and she never saw him again.

She had visited Los Santos but only recently permanently moved to the location. Using the city as inspiration as she worked on her Debut EP Shiver and her second EP Full Throttle. Both EPs garnered attention onto the artist before her big move to Los Santos, making her a name to watch out for as a fresh new face in the music scene.

There is little else known about her background at this time. She is still opening up to others little by little to explain where the enigmatic artist came from.

Recent History[]

Very soon after permanently moving to the city in June of 2024, Chesca was contacted by Wu-Chang Records co-owner Party Hardy with a welcome to the city and the offer of an audition to join Wu-Chang as an artist. This showcased CHESCA's reputation in the music scene as an underground artist with talent ready to be shown to the world. Despite the offer, Chesca assured Party that she wanted to get her roots in the city first by making money, settling down, and getting a car. In turn, Party offered her a job at Funhouse Foods which she accepted and began working at.

Chesca then met Goldie St. James who kindly offered to buy Chesca a car after a brief conversation in which Chesca indicated her need of one. Now that she owned a car, Chesca accepted the audition offer at the new Wu-Chang Records building in front of Party Hardy and Max Biggaveli. After the audition, both Party and Biggaveli took only seconds to decide that CHESCA would be the newest artist at Wu-Chang Records in a resounding agreement of her talent and potential.

Chesca has developed more personal relationships with the likes of Nina Bankz, Paris Argo, Vivicca V and Party Hardy who have become the four she spends the most time with.

Also in June 2024, Party Hardy brought Chesca to Truth Island. After developing a close personal relationship together through Party Hardy's breakup with Goldie St James, the two confided into each other and realized they had a surprising chemistry together. Party admitted that he had feelings for Chesca while on the island and asked her to be his girlfriend where she accepted, beginning their relationship.

Chesca has continued to build her star power by performing at the biggest Wu-Chang events. She was a headliner at Wu-Chang Masquerade 2024 and WuChella. These concerts and her releases earned her 7 NoPixel Music Awards nominations, cementing herself as a major player in the music scene.

At the NPMAs, she won "Lyricist of the Year" award, and accepted a proposal of marriage from Party.



NoPixel Music Awards 2024

Award Ceremony Category Nomination Result
NoPixel Music Awards
Choreography of the Year Award CHESCA
Lyricist of the Year Award CHESCA
Music Video of the Year Award "SWIPE" - CHESCA & Paris Argo
Collaboration of the Year Award "SWIPE" - CHESCA & Paris Argo
Rap Song of the Year Award "wifey" - CHESCA
New Artist of the Year Award CHESCA
EP of the Year Award "nightclub" - CHESCA