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The Cerberus Police Department, along with the Davis Police Department, the Vinewood Police Department, the Senora Desert Sheriff's Office, the San Andreas State Police, and the San Andreas State Park Rangers, makes up the executive branch of Los Santos; together, they ensure that the law is upheld and enforced. The department was formed when the Paleto Bay Sheriff's Office received official sponsorship from Cerberus. Over 2022, extensive talks were held between Cerberus Representatives and PBSO High Command.

On October 24th, 2022, PBSO High Command officially announced this sponsorship to the city, accompanied by new uniforms, vehicle liveries, and more.

On February 26th, 2023, CPD Grand Marshall Kyle Pred announced the closure of CPD. It Announced the Opening of the Paleto Bay Sheriff's Office. All staff should have a lateral transfer in positions and certifications.

Chain of Command[]

The Grand Marshall, Marshall, Vice Marshall, and Deputy Marshalls are all High Command.

From there, the rankings are divided by Bureaus:

Support Operations[]

Patrol Operations[]

This Bureau includes Command rankings of Commanders (Commanding Officer), Majors (Shift Supervisor), and Sergeants (Shift Supervisor). From there, the ranks are Corporal, Enforcer, Peacekeeper, Solo Cadet, and Cadet.

Cerberus Peacekeeper call signs begin with 3 (as in, 3xx). Cadet call-signs start with 5 (as in, 5xx), while Cadets cleared for solo patrol have call signs that begin with 6 (as in, 6xx).

Current Rankings[]

Rank Insignia Responsibility Note
Grand Marshall GrandMarshallCPD High Command Maintains department
Marshall MarshallCPD High Command Maintains department
Vice Marshall ViceMarshallCPD High Command Support/Patrol Operations
Deputy Marshall DeputyMarshallCPD High Command Support/Patrol Operations
Commander CommanderCPD Commanding Officer Support/Patrol Operations
Major MajorCPD Division Supervisor Support Operations
Sergeant SergeantCPD Shift Supervisor Patrol Operations
Corporal CorporalCPD Leading Officers Patrol Operations
Enforcer EnforcerCPD Tenured Officers Eligible for Certs
Peacekeeper PeacekeeperCPD Sworn Officers Eligible for Certs
Cerberus Officer Solo Cadet CadetCPD Experienced Trainees Expected to patrol alone
Cerberus Officer Cadet CadetCPD Early Trainees Must be supervised by an FTO


Certification Legend Rank Requirement Note
Air-1 Air Cert Peacekeeper Allows the officer to pilot Air-1 when required.
Burglary Task Force BTF Cert Peacekeeper Allows the officer to go undercover or unmarked to investigate burglary calls.
Enhanced Parole Program Parole Cert Peacekeeper Allows the officer to supervise people who are out on parole.
Field Training Instructor FTI Cert Peacekeeper Allows the officer to clear cadets for solo patrol and do final evaluations.
Field Training Officer FTO Cert Peacekeeper Allows the officer to ride along with and train cadets.
High Value Target Unit HVTU Cert Peacekeeper Allows the officer to go unmarked to apprehend persons with high profile warrants.
Interceptor Challenger Cert Peacekeeper Allows the officer to use the PD Dodge Challenger Demon Interceptor.
Interceptor Corvette Cert Peacekeeper Allows the officer to use the PD Chevrolet Corvette C7 Interceptor.
Interceptor Mustang Cert Peacekeeper Allows the officer to use the PD Ford Mustang Shelby GT350 Interceptor.
Interceptor Charger Cert Peacekeeper Allows the officer to use the PD Dodge Charger Hellcat Interceptor.
Jet Jet Cert Peacekeeper Allows the officer to use the PD Jets.
K9 Unit K9 Cert Peacekeeper Allows the officer to train and have a K9 Unit.
Motorcycle Motorcycle Cert Peacekeeper Allows the officer to use the PD Motorcycle.
Street Crimes Unit SCU Cert Peacekeeper Allows the officer to go undercover or unmarked to investigate open cases.
Street Racing Unit SRU Cert Peacekeeper Allows the officer to focus on taking down high profile Street Racers and Boosters.
The Highwaymen Highwaymen Cert Peacekeeper Allows the officer to patrol the Highways.
Rifle RIFLE Cert Peacekeeper Allows the officer to use the FN Scar.

(SOP's Pending)

SWAT SWAT Cert Peacekeeper Allows the officer to wear SWAT gear during scenarios that require it.
Major Crimes Division (Dissolved) MCD Cert Peacekeeper Allows the officer to begin new investigations, gather intel undercover, and delegate / approve new cases.
Internal Affairs (Dissolved) IA Cert Peacekeeper Allows the officer to conduct an investigation into any civilian complaints made against their fellow officers.

K9 Units[]

Name Breed Rank Insignia Handler
OJ Siberian Husky Grand Marshall GrandMarshallCPD Kyle Pred
Peanut Siberian Husky Grand Marshall GrandMarshallCPD Matt Rhodes
Patricia Mayonnaise
Arthas Labrador Retriever Vice Marshall ViceMarshallCPD Matthew Espinoz
Pocket Siberian Husky Vice Marshall ViceMarshallCPD Anita May
Mando Rottweiler Deputy Marshall DeputyMarshallCPD Vincent Cannoli
Kevin Keyte
Chaos Siberian Husky Major MajorCPD Lea Nova
Storm Siberian Husky Major MajorCPD Minerva Maat
Watson Border Collie Major MajorCPD Mackenzie Hayes
Roxanne Rottweiler Major MajorCPD Tracy Martell
Porkchop Siberian Husky Sergeant SergeantCPD Patricia Mayonnaise
Zoomer Pit Bull Sergeant SergeantCPD Maddison Bancroft
Buster Siberian Husky Coporal CoporalCPD Kevin Keyte

Field Training Units[]

High Command
Name Insignia Badge #
Kyle Pred GrandMarshallCPD 309
Jenny Hall MarshallCPD 310
Matt Rhodes MarshallCPD 320
Randy Wrangler ViceMarshallCPD 317
Daisy Dukakis DeputyMarshallCPD 318
Anita May DeputyMarshallCPD 355
Tracy Martell DeputyMarshallCPD 371
Matthew Espinoz DeputyMarshallCPD 389
Field Training Instructors
Name Insignia Badge #
Vincent Cannoli CommanderCPD 315
Lily Pond CommanderCPD 360
Claire Everly MajorCPD 380
Minerva Maat SergeantCPD 358
Lea Nova SergeantCPD 353
Mackenzie Hayes SergeantCPD 391
Maddison Bancroft CorporalCPD 372
Field Training Officers
Name Insignia Badge #
Connor Stubble CommanderCPD 303
Oliver Fury MajorCPD 300
John Spartan Major CPD 303
Skye Faye SergeantCPD 322
Jimmy Frost SergeantCPD 340
Demi Black SergeantCPD 351
Michael Rodgers CorporalCPD 304
Zach Casady CorporalCPD 306
Shawn Richards EnforcerCPD 319
James Doakes EnforcerCPD 323
Ashley Smith EnforcerCPD 334
Ridley Adams EnforcerCPD 348
Frank Williams EnforcerCPD 349
Edward Thatch EnforcerCPD 350
Henri King EnforcerCPD 365
Jeremias Jimenes EnforcerCPD 381
Richard Tips EnforcerCPD 390
Kylie Stokes PeacekeeperCPD 328
Han Velsing PeacekeeperCPD 337
Jimbo Sutton PeacekeeperCPD 356
Jonathan Hale PeacekeeperCPD 363

Los Santos Police Dispatch[]

The Los Santos Police Dispatch works with all the executive branches, including Emergency Medical Services, in communications.

Rapid Response Unit[]

The Rapid Response Unit, or the RRU for short, is a new dispatch center started by the Cerberus Police Department. Hiring for the RRU was on November 16, 2022, at the Cerberus Business Center.

Former Members[]

Name Insignia
(End of Term)
Badge #
(End of Term)
Reason for Leaving Final Date of Service
Alex Litski CadetCPD 632 Resigned October 27th, 2022
Louis Bloom SergeantCPD 360 Fired for Providing Information to Criminals to Harm Officers October 27th, 2022
Marcel King CorporalCPD 338 Fired for Providing Information to Criminals to Harm Officers November 1st, 2022
William Gunner CommanderCPD 390 Fired due to Criminal Activity November 1st, 2022
Gary Sexton PeacekeeperCPD 378 Transferred to the LSPD November 3rd, 2022
Brittany Angel ViceMarshallCPD 300 Invited into the SASP November 14th, 2022
Dave Bird CadetCPD 602 Fired due to Inactivity November 19th, 2022
Sparkle Lee CadetCPD 579 Fired due to Inactivity November 19th, 2022
Eveline Meijer CadetCPD 612 Fired due to Inactivity November 19th, 2022
Benjamin Peppers CadetCPD 670 Fired due to Inactivity November 19th, 2022
Tim West CadetCPD 680 Fired due to Inactivity November 19th, 2022
Dan Faily CorporalCPD 385 Transferred to the VPD November 26th, 2022
Vingle Dan EnforcerCPD TBD Fired November 2022
Jaryd Peak PeacekeeperCPD 369 Transferred to the VPD November 27th, 2022
Bryan Davids EnforcerCPD 308 Invited into the SASPR December 1st, 2022
Pierre Paul CadetCPD 676 Transferred to the SDSO December 2nd, 2022
Ethan Turrow PeacekeeperCPD 386 Transferred to the VPD December 5th, 2022
Lewis Collins PeacekeeperCPD 398 Transferred to the DPD December 13th, 2022
Bobby Milner CadetCPD 630 Fired due to Inactivity December 15th, 2022
Nicholas Adams CadetCPD 675 Fired due to Inactivity December 15th, 2022
Norman Adams CadetCPD 515 Resigned December 16th, 2022
Chad Gable EnforcerCPD 366 Transferred to the SDSO December 16th, 2022
Sexton Hardcastle SergeantCPD 333 Transferred to the VPD December 17th, 2022
John Hydra CadetCPD 669 Fired due to Insubordination and Lack of Improvement December 26th, 2022
Piper Nash CadetCPD 504 Fired due to Inactivity January 1st, 2023
Rex Knightly CadetCPD 583 Fired due to Inactivity January 1st, 2023
Perrie Lane PeacekeeperCPD 303 Transferred to the SDSO January 12th, 2023
T.J. Mack CommanderCPD 308 Invited into the SASP January 27th, 2023
James Doakes EnforcerCPD 323 Invited into the SASP January 27th, 2023
Charlotte Fairfield PeacekeeperCPD 342 Fired February 10th, 2023
Flop Dugong EnforcerCPD 325 Invited into the SASPR February 12th, 2023

