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The Personnel and Training Division is in charge of recruiting and training cadets for the Cerberus Police Department. This is a division where the CPD train the police officers of tomorrow.

The Cerberus Police Department was formed when the Paleto Bay Sheriff's Office received official sponsorship from Cerberus. Over the course of 2022, extensive talks were held between Cerberus Representatives and PBSO High Command.

On October 24th, 2022, PBSO High Command officially announced this sponsorship to the city, accompanied by new uniforms, vehicle liveries, and more.


Among other things the two Co-Leads of the PTD are in charge of:

  • Interviewing potential cadets;
  • Hiring cadets;
  • Training cadets;
  • Solo evaluations and final evaluations;
  • Renewal of SOPs for the FTO phase;
  • Identify new committed and eager FTOs & FTIs;

Hiring and Recruitment process[]

Phase Note
1 The first phase of recruitment is the optional ride-along phase. Any civilian is eligible for a ride-along, provided they don't have a criminal history. Any law enforcement officer is able to take any eligible civilian on a ride-along, but they are required to fill out a feedback form afterwards. During these ride-alongs, the civilian will be required to wear a grey bulletproof vest, as they also remain seated within the officer's vehicle.
2 Once a civilian has decided to pursue a career as a law enforcement officer, they may apply by submitting a statement of interest form. This form can be provided by the dispatchers at MRPD, the recruiters from PTD, and either of the leads of PTD. On submission, the interest form will be reviewed by one of the leads of PTD, with the applicant being either approved or declined depending on both the quality of the answers and the feedback gathered during the ride-along phase.
3 Once an applicant's interest form has been approved, one of the recruiters of PTD will then begin a review of the applicant. During this phase, the information submitted within the interest form will the verified, references may be checked, a background check will be conducted, and a medical evaluation of the applicant will be required. If no issues arise during this process, the recruiter will schedule an interview with the applicant.
4 The interview is structured, consisting of a set list of questions. It will be recorded by the recruiters. The recording of the interview will later be reviewed by the leads of PTD. If the applicant passes the interview, they will receive a conditional offer of employment. Upon accepting this offer, the applicant will become a cadet, making them eligible for training by Field Training Officers through active duty.
5 The cadet must get all sign-off (Pursuit, Radio etiquette, Communications, Report writing & Foundations) and be cleared by an Field Training Instructor before they will be eligible for their solo certification.
6 Once a cadet has been cleared for solo patrol, they will be passively monitored by the PTD staff. Once a consensus has been reached that the cadet is ready for their final evaluation, one will be scheduled between the cadet and a Field Training Instructor. During this evaluation, the instructor will quiz the cadet on their theoretical knowledge of the law and observe them to gauge their practical knowledge in the field. If the cadet passes this evaluation, they will receive an offer of employment.

Field Training Officers[]

Division Leads
Name Insignia Badge #
Matthew Espinoz DeputyMarshallCPD 389
Anita May CommanderCPD 355
Department Recruiters
Name Insignia Badge #
Daisy Dukakis CommanderCPD 318
Claire Everly MajorCPD 380
Minerva Maat CorporalCPD 358
Field Training Instructors
Name Insignia Badge #
Kyle Pred GrandMarshallCPD 309
Jenny Hall MarshallCPD 310
Matt Rhodes MarshallCPD 320
Randy Wrangler ViceMarshallCPD 317
Tracy Martell DeputyMarshallCPD 371
Matthew Espinoz DeputyMarshallCPD 389
Connor Stubble CommanderCPD 303
T.J. Mack CommanderCPD 308
Vincent Cannoli CommanderCPD 315
Daisy Dukakis CommanderCPD 318
Anita May CommanderCPD 355
Lily Pond CommanderCPD 360
Claire Everly MajorCPD 380
Skye Faye SergeantCPD 322
Jimmy Frost SergeantCPD 340
Lea Nova SergeantCPD 353
Michael Rodgers CorporalCPD 304
Minerva Maat CorporalCPD 358
Maddison Bancroft CorporalCPD 372
Mackenzie Hayes EnforcerCPD 391
Field Training Officers
Name Insignia Badge #
Oliver Fury MajorCPD 300
John Spartan MajorCPD 305
Zach Casady CorporalCPD 306
Beric Johnson CorporalCPD 335
Demi Black CorporalCPD 351
Shawn Richards EnforcerCPD 319
James Doakes EnforcerCPD 323
Ashley Smith EnforcerCPD 334
Lauren Forcer EnforcerCPD 344
Ridley Adams EnforcerCPD 348
Frank Williams EnforcerCPD 349
Edward Thatch EnforcerCPD 350
Henri King EnforcerCPD 365
Jeremias Jimenes EnforcerCPD 381
Richard Tips EnforcerCPD 390
Kylie Stokes PeacekeeperCPD 328
Han Velsing PeacekeeperCPD 337
Jimbo Sutton PeacekeeperCPD 356
Jonathan Hale PeacekeeperCPD 363