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Bryce Miller is a character role-played by theLGX.

General Info[]

Bryce is a college graduate but loved the "frat boy" lifestyle so much he continues to live it and stay "a total bro" looking for some fun in the city. He is a leading member of the Alpha Sigma Sigma fraternity.

He used to hit on most of the women in the city, trying to get to know and date them, however many of them were put off by his aggressive persona and refused.

During his time dating/married to Izzy, Bryce matured and changed into a better man. Now that he is separated and on the verge of divorce, he has been having somewhat of a mid-life crisis. He hasn't resorted to his old ways completely, but he has been on a few dates since his separation.

Bryce's good friends Tessa and Andi Jones have convinced him that he needs to focus on himself and start therapy sessions, which he has taken their advice so far.

He is currently Interim Mayor until elections can be held in Los Santos.


Melbert Rickenbacker (Adoptive Father)[]

Melbert is Bryce's father, they have a complicated father/son relationship with each other where it sometimes seems like Mel cares for him, but other times he had personally pushed Bryce off of the crane when he was reminded when Bryce attempted to suffocate him at the hospital. Sometimes if he cares a lot for someone, Mel won't hesitate to take them out.

Tessa Lamb (Best Friend)[]

Tessa is one of Bryce's best friends, despite her being a lesbian he frequently tries to pursue her more often than other women; much to her annoyance. He also became one of Mary's victims. Now-a-days, however, they're close as can be. She provides thoughtful insight into issues Bryce brings up regarding his life, women or other topics. He trusts her to be honest with him, telling him things that make sense and proving she is looking out for his best interests; especially when it comes to his recent divorce and his therapy sessions with Thatch and Pixie.

Andi Jones (Friend)[]

Andi has been a great friend to Bryce before and especially during his recent separation from Izzy. She has helped encourage him to get into therapy sessions with Dr. Thatch and helped him keep his mind off the negativity in his life as of late. She and Tessa have been somewhat of a foundation for him during this trying time. Andi is a potential Gno-Mercy artist. All she needs to do is sign the contract Bryce gave her. Recently, she had confessed his feelings to him after many days of awkward tension between them.

Erin Cox (Ex-Girlfriend/Friend)[]

Erin and Bryce, more affectionately known as "BrErin," had previously dated for a while. They had broken up in early 2020, but she called him up once to maybe go out on another date before he started seeing Izzy. They are just close friends now and participate in city-wide scavenger hunts together, becoming an amazing detective-duo.

Hannah HotPocket (Ex-Girlfriend)[]

Hannah was one of Bryce's ex's, their relationship was on and off where they'll break up with each other, but they somehow made up the next. The relationship officially ended shortly before Hannah disappeared from the city; leaving without saying goodbye.

Carmella Corset (Friend)[]

Carmella and Bryce have a love/hate relationship, and also were friends with benefits. They first met when he tried to take her out on a date, not knowing she was Hannah's sister, this ended horribly once she found out he was seeing Hannah. But ever since then the two slowly became friends and sometimes playfully flirt with one another or tease one another.

Lana Valentine (Friend/Dated)[]

Lana and Bryce's relationship... is a little unique, they're Frenemies and roast each other at times. Carmella once asked if he had liked Lana in which he replied with a no, but he would take her out on dates. However, it is unknown if he has any romantic feelings towards her or if it's a platonic relationship.

Jupiter Adams (Friend/Dated)[]

Bryce and her went out on a date once on his father's Yacht, where she tried to manipulate him out of money - she managed to get a little... Then she tried for a car, which he refused. This led to Jupiter trying to kill him, but she failed when he got away. Things between them seem to have calmed down.

Amanda Hayes (Ex-Girlfriend)[]

Amanda had developed a crush on Bryce and went out on a date with him to Zee's restaurant. While under the influence of the evil spirit in his fake mustache. Due to her innocent/ditzy nature, he tried to manipulate her against her friend Chastity, and with Tessa when he thought she was trying to turn Amanda against him. During the date, he invited Mel to come be a wing-man for him. Unfortunately, the date ended when Mel tried to kill Amanda while Bryce and Zee were caught in the crossfire. After he wasn't under the influence anymore, he tried to win Amanda back by writing her a poem but Amanda thought it was best they end it for now and left him with a "maybe."

Natalie Martell (Dated)[]

He first met her when he called her taxi service through the yellow page, finding her charming, he led her out to sea near the yacht and pretended his boat was having "problems." When really, he wanted to show her the sunset, and they had a mini party on the boat. Bryce tried to woo her but, in the end, she didn't want to commit to anything due to a broken heart because of her fiancé being on vacation, and also because they didn't know each other. Despite this, she had a good time.

August Vakarian(Ex-Girlfriend/Friend)[]

August and Bryce had an interesting relationship that started innocent and ended 180 degrees from where it started. Basically August started getting super clingy, got into knife-play and wanted Bryce to enjoy that as well. When he told her he wasn't interested in that, among other things, he broke things off. After their relationship, Bryce and August remained mostly neutral, even during her Lot Q shenanigans. She was sent to Parsons Rehabilitation Center for a while after the relationship. Bryce and Tessa were the very few people that visited her there. It took a few months, but they eventually formed a friendship. Bryce tried to help cheer August up when she was feeling down and she would call him, being one of the few people in her life that understood her. This was especially the case when Louis Baton died and she called Bryce to talk.

RIP August (d. 11/16/2020)

Alexa Caldwell (Ex-Girlfriend)[]

Alexa dated Bryce before he eventually went on to date and marry Izzy. Their relationship was adventurous for the most part. Participating in city events and hanging out all the time. They broke up once Bryce realized he had feelings for Izzy and wanted to date her instead. This was the first time Bryce had actually made that kind of decision because while dating Alexa, he was also going on dates with other women in the city. Once he told Alexa that he was dating other women at the same time as her and wanted to break up, she was crushed. After this, he broke it off with the other women as well and started dating Izzy. While on a date with Erin, he hired a Rooster Cab Co. cab to take them around town. The cab happened to be driven by Alexa and Louis Baton. The date went as well as could be expected considering your ex-girlfriend was driving the car with you and your current girlfriend in the back flirting. While on the mountain near the ski lift, Louis told Alexa to cater to Bryce and Erin's needs as was part of the customer service portion of their company. Hilarity thus ensued from there on out. After a few weeks had gone by, Alexa and Bryce became friends again.

Isabella Carrington (Ex-Wife)[]

On July 4th, 2020, Izzy proposed to Bryce immediately after he passed his helicopter pilot's license. The days/weeks leading up to this proposal, Izzy had spoken to Flop to gauge the potential interest Bryce may have in the idea of marrying Izzy. Bryce, overwhelmed with happiness in the moment, accepted her proposal. Their wedding date was set for August 2nd, 2020 (August 3rd for AU.)

Mercy Moon (Dated)[]

Mercy and Bryce had been going on a few dates and were hanging out a lot recently. They even had movie night at Bryce's mansion where they watched Incredibles 2. She was one of the two women Bryce was currently unofficially dating, the other being Elena. Bryce is just coming out of his marriage, so he is unsure what he wants in life right now. He mentioned this to Mercy, stating that he doesn't want to lead her on or hurt her because of him not thinking a relationship is good for him right now. Not until his divorce is finalized and he is able to focus on himself through therapy sessions. Mercy found out about Elena through Nico Kanto spilling the beans during an argument he and Bryce were having in front of Mercy. When she confronted Bryce about Elena, he confessed. She ended whatever it was they were having right there and stormed off to the hospital to go start work. Currently it is unknown whether or not they will remain friends.

Elena Vega (Dated)[]

Elena and Bryce are currently just dating unofficially. She has expressed that since he isn't sure that he wants to be in a relationship until he gets his life in order - divorce finalized and therapy sessions attended - that they can just be friends with benefits. Bryce was stunned at that and agreed. Bryce has since realized he has had caught feelings for Elena, bringing this up to her. She, having commitment issues, has avoided really talking about this, causing Bryce to decide to back off to save himself and her from any awkwardness or issues. They remain friends.


On the early morning of August 2nd (August 3rd AU time), 2020, Izzy and Bryce were married at the East Alamo Overlook.

Surprisingly to everyone involved, no one objected. Eugene Zuckerberg almost did but retracted his comment because he initially thought marriage was a cult and said Bryce said he'd never join a cult. Once everyone said it's not a cult, Eugene retracted his comments and the ceremony carried on.

Unity presided over the ceremony.

Bryce's Vows:

Dear Izzy, Hey...its me. Bryce Look at us, dude. Who would’ve thought? Not me. At least at one point I didn’t think it would be us. But now, I wouldn’t want it any other way, dude. You have showed me a whole new outlook on life I know I am not a perfect person. But you make me feel like one, dude especially when we [expletive]. In the words of Vin Diesel from Fast and Furious, “The most important thing in life, will always be the people in this room, right now.” And even though we are outside right now, I for one, still find, everyone here, especially you, the most important thing in my life. If we ever went to a costume party, I’d let you be Batman and I’d be Robin. But not tighty whitey robin. For awhile now, I was the kind of guy to adopt many puppies from the animal shelter. However, when they grew old, I gave them right back. With you, I never fell out of that puppy phase and so I decided to give you a forever home. And in the words of “Edward Sharpe and magnetic zeros” “home is wherever I’m with you” I promise to put you in front of everything in my life, even my fraternity Alpha Sigma Sigma If there was one more Mango White Claw in the fridge and a Blackcherry next to it, I would let you have the Mango White Claw and then fucking shotgun that shit with you, dude I would give up wearing the color purple for you...not really...but it sounds good on paper. You know what else sounds good? Marrying you, dude. Which is something I fully intend to do today. Probably in like the next couple minutes. Isabella Carrington - you are my dude, my lady, and my [expletive] monkey. And I hope it stays that way for the rest of our lives dude. I cannot wait to be Mr. and Mrs. Dude with you, dude. Thanks for wanting to marrying me and what not. Hell yeah.

November 16th, 2020: Bryce and Izzy signed the papers at the courthouse, making their divorce finalized.

Business Adventures[]

Bryce currently owns his Love Tours business. The Love Tours consists of: "Limo of Love," "Love Boat," Plane/Helicopter tour and now even a submarine tour.

Bryce also is the General Manager for Gno-Mercy Records with Eugene Zuckerberg. He is the chief recruiter of talent, bringing on talents such as Oliver Zoom, Gioconda Coppola, Tuesday Phillips, Blake Buckington, Ruby Ramen and others. Bryce is also a rapper on this label.

Powerless Interim Mayor Pro-temp (P.I.M.P.) of Los Santos[]

State Announcement Bryce

On July 6th, 2020, Bryce was on a city-wide hunt for Judge Wayne Ardson. The person to find him, would be granted anything they wished. Bryce was able to find him and asked to become mayor of LS. Holding true to his word, Judge Ardson appointed Bryce "powerless interim Mayor-Pro-Temp" until an election can be held. Thus removing Kiki Chanel from the Mayoral position.

A couple weeks later on July 20th, however, Kiki Chanel returned to the city to learn that she was no longer mayor. Judge Ardson informed her that Bryce's title was not official and that they would have to have an "election." After calling Bryce down to the courthouse, Judge Ardson, Kiki Chanel, and Bryce agreed upon the format of the election to take place. The format was determined to be in the form of whoever could fill up a prison bus with their supporters and have the most in their bus, becomes the Mayor. The one that loses becomes the Deputy Mayor. Eugene Zuckerberg happened to show up at the courthouse at the time this was being discussed and demanded to be added to the ballot. Judge Ardson agreed and thus the election now included the three.

The election started off well with Judge Ardson explaining the format to the citizens in attendance as well as introducing the candidates. Each candidate started with their speeches to the people; Bryce not having as much luck really starting his due to hecklers in the audience. Once it was time to load the buses, someone poured gas near Kiki's bus and lit it on fire. It was assumed that it was someone from Eugene's bus. After the shenanigans, Judge Ardson called the whole thing off since no one was taking this seriously.

After the failed elections, Bryce spoke to Kiki stating that he was no longer interested in running for mayor if the city was willing to embrace Eugene or her over someone more serious such as himself. Izzy, Tessa, and Flop tried to cheer Bryce up and convince him to change his mind about dropping out, but Bryce's mind was made up considering what he just witnessed. He has decided to focus more on his relationship and his businesses.

Update November 2020: With his marriage about to be absolved, Bryce Miller is still Mayor and is taking his role seriously. He has been throwing himself into his work and doing very well in his position. Slowly, but surely winning over the hearts and minds of the people he represents and serves. He is providing multiple events each week for the people of Los Santos to be involved in, with a cash prize for the winners of those events. The DOJ, specifically Justice Buck Stanton, have been providing him with city funds for these Mayoral events to encourage participation. Bryce has been known to throw in his own money for prizes as well. Harvey Normandy, former manager at PDM, had been assisting with these such events as well before he quit working at Premium Deluxe Motorsport by providing vehicles for the citizens to use temporarily, depending on what the event is that Bryce comes up with that day.

Governor of San Andreas aka THE GOVERNATOR[]

Governor of SA

On December 8th, 2020, Bryce Miller was officially elected via a voting process as the Governor of San Andreas. Kiki had stepped down from her claim to co-interim Mayor. Judges Stanton and Bailey decided to give Bryce the Governorship, instead of Mayorship.


  • Bryce loves White Claws; specifically Mango
  • Was a part of The Rickys as White Claw Ricky (this was under duress)
  • His real father is a lawyer and owns the yacht sitting off the pier, or so he claims to the ladies.
  • Uses Twatter as a form of therapy.
  • Extremely friend-zoned by Violet Van Housen
  • Carmella and Bryce are not related
  • Lana and Bryce's ship name is #LYCE.
  • On Dec 8th, 2020, Bryce received the title and position of Governor of San Andreas

