Brenda Pancake is a character role-played by Ashlynn.
General Description[]
Brenda Pancake is a Deputy for the Senora Desert Sheriff's Office, Badge #TBD.
Brenda is quirky, forgetful, easily distracted, and has a talent for innuendos. She was a closed person when she first arrived in the city, with a tendency to avoid people and treat them rudely. But little by little, she started to open up and make friends.
Once the walls crumbled and she became her own person, Brenda showed she is actually sensitive and enjoys people's approval, usually avoiding conflict with them. But not everyone gets to see this side of her, because Brenda still has that tsundere trait.
Momentous Dates within the Government[]
Unified Police Department[]
Trivia and Quotes[]
- Brenda was the first officer to be downed on duty when moving to the new city. This happened when she was chasing Kiki Chanel. [1]
- "I have a UTI"
- "You freakin' potato!"
- "Uhhhhh....." - whenever something bad happens around Brenda.
- (Screaming) "KIKIIIIIIIII!"
- (Screaming) "DOCTOOOOOR!"
- (Screaming) "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!"
- "Are you kidding me?"
- "I'm having a (really) bad day..."
- "Well, Well, Well..."
- "You babo!" - what Brenda used to call Al Saab for doing something stupid.
- "WHAT?!"
- "What did you say (to me)?"
- "What did you call me?"
- "Hugs, not drugs!"
- "I'm gonna taze you!" / "I'm gonna smack you!"
- "Hello mortal..."
- "Salanghae!" - I love you in Korean
- "No, you hang-up first."
- "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!?!?!"
- "It was just a J!"
- "It's 69...(he he he...)" - when someone asks Brenda for her pay pal or her ping.
- "I didn't know you use your mouth when you have sex."
- "Have you guys heard about the story of the mudflower?"
- "I don't want to talk about it. Not after what happened..."
- "I think I'm going crazy."
- "...Idiot."
- "SCREW YOU!!!!"
- "OH, HELL NO!"
- "WINNER POV!" - when Brenda out-cringes Saab.
- "DAMN IT!!!!"
- "THAT'S ME! (THAT'S ME!)" - when Brenda gets introduced at a public event.
- "BLOP! BLOP!" - the sound that Brenda makes when she's talking about guns or shooting a gun.
- "Cinnamon Roll." - nickname that Brenda calls Saab.
- "Don't do anything stupid."
- "I'll pick you up from jail..." - Brenda used to say this when Saab was in jail.
- "You want me to kiss the boo boos?"
- "I LOVE OXY!!!!!!!!!!" - when Brenda takes Oxy pills.
- "This...is...Julie...." / "My name is...Julie..." - when Brenda is in trouble.
- "No, but I banged your dad last night!" - one of Brenda's dad jokes.
- "So does your dad!" - one of Brenda's dad jokes.
- "I got it from your dad's house." - one of Brenda's dad jokes
- "You should see what your dad's paying me in." - one of Brenda's dad jokes, although she pretty much only said that to Kiki Chanel.
- "I'm at your dad's house!" - one of Brenda's dad jokes.
- "That's not what your dad said last night!" - one of Brenda's dad jokes.
- "I'M NOT A RECEPTIONIST, GODDAMN IT!" - whenever people think Brenda works as a receptionist at the PD.
- "You never told me." - when an officer tells Brenda new information that she doesn't know about and they expect her to know it.
- "Pancakes is served with a side of justice!"
- "I don't have small feet" / "Stop looking at my feet"
- "Now I know."
- "Dispatch, show me out with an abandoned vehicle"
- "Looks like breakfast is all you can eat, and justice has been served."
- "PHAATTT verbal warning"
Played By: Ashlynn |
Characters: Brenda Pancake • Cassie Cupcake • Baby B. Block • Nikki North • Madge Poodge • Inda Woods • Seesa Park • Lupita Barrita† |