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The Blaine County Sheriff's Office is the predecessor to the Senora Desert Sheriff's Office and the Paleto Bay Sheriff's Office; it encompassed the current patrol areas the latter departments are based out of.

Chain of Command[]

The Sheriffs, Undersheriffs and the Captains were all High Command.

From there, the rankings were divided by Bureaus:

Support Operations[]

Patrol Operations[]

This Bureau includes Command rankings of Lieutenant (Watch Commander) and Sergeant (Shift Supervisor), and then from there are Corporal, Senior Deputy, Deputy, Solo Cadet, and Cadet.

Deputy call-signs begin with 3 (as in, 3xx). Cadet call-signs begin with 5 (as in, 5xx), while Cadets who have been cleared for solo patrol have call-signs that begin with 6 (as in, 6xx).

Current Rankings[]

Rank Insignia Responsibility Note
Sheriff SheriffBCSO High Command Maintains department
Undersheriff UndersheriffBCSO High Command Maintains department
Captain CaptainBCSO High Command Support/Patrol Operations
Lieutenant LieutenantBCSO Watch Commander; Commanding Officer Support/Patrol Operations
Sergeant SergeantSOBCSO Division Supervisor Support Operations
Sergeant SergeantBCSO Shift Supervisor Patrol Operations
Corporal CorporalBCSO Leading Officers Patrol Operations
Senior Deputy SeniorDeputyBCSO Tenured Officers Eligible for Certs
Deputy DeputyBCSO Sworn Deputies Eligible for Certs
Solo Cadet SoloCadetBCSO Experienced Trainees Expected to patrol alone
Cadet CadetBCSO Early Trainees Must be supervised by an FTO


Certification Legend Rank Requirement Note
Air-1 Air Cert Deputy Allows the officer to pilot Air-1 when required.
Burglary Task Force BTF Cert Deputy Allows the officer to go undercover or unmarked to investigate burglary calls.
Field Training Instructor FTI Cert Deputy Allows the officer to clear cadets for solo patrol and do final evaluations.
Field Training Officer FTO Cert Deputy Allows the officer to ride along with and train cadets.
High Value Target Unit HVTU Cert Deputy Allows the officer to go unmarked to apprehend persons with high profile warrants.
Internal Affairs IA Cert Deputy Allows the officer to conduct an investigation into any civilian complaints made against their fellow officers.
Interceptor Interceptor Cert Deputy Allows the officer to use the PD Interceptors.
K9 Unit K9 Cert Deputy Allows the officer to train and have a K9 Unit.
Motorcycle Motorcycle Cert Deputy Allows the officer to use the PD Motorcycle.
Street Crimes Unit SCU Cert Deputy Allows the officer to go undercover or unmarked to investigate open cases.
Street Racing Unit SRU Cert Deputy Allows the officer to focus on taking down high profile Street Racers and Boosters.
SWAT SWAT Cert Officer Allows the officer to wear SWAT gear during scenarios that require it.
The Highwaymen Highwaymen Cert Deputy Allows the officer to patrol the Highways.
Major Crimes Division (Dissolved) MCD Cert Deputy Allows the officer to begin new investigations, gather intel undercover, and delegate / approve new cases.

K9 Units[]

Name Breed Rank Insignia Handler
OJ Siberian Husky Captain CaptainBCSO Kyle Pred
Peanut Siberian Husky Captain CaptainBCSO Matt Rhodes
Pocket Siberian Husky Lieutenant LieutenantBCSO Anita May
Arthas Labrador Retriever Lieutenant LieutenantBCSO Matthew Espinoz
Jango Siberian Husky Corporal CorporalBCSO Aaron Byson
Ekko Siberian Husky Corporal CorporalBCSO Mina Price
Dude Labrador Retriever Senior Deputy SeniorDeputyBCSO Dan Faily
Buster Siberian Husky Senior Deputy SeniorDeputyBCSO Kevin Keyte
Chaos Siberian Husky Deputy DeputyBCSO Lea Nova

Field Training Units[]

High Command
Name Insignia Badge #
Brittany Angel CaptainBCSO 300
Kyle Pred CaptainBCSO 309
Randy Wrangler CaptainBCSO 317
Matt Rhodes CaptainBCSO 320
Support Operations
Name Insignia Badge #
Brittany Angel CaptainBCSO 300
Anita May LieutenantBCSO 355
Matthew Espinoz LieutenantBCSO 389
Jenny Hall SergeantSOBCSO 310
Daisy Dukakis SergeantSOBCSO 318
Patrol Operations
Name Insignia Badge #
Thomas Metzger LieutenantBCSO 307
Clarence Williams LieutenantBCSO 313
T.J. Mack SergeantBCSO 308
Jim Underwood SergeantBCSO 337
John Spartan CorporalBCSO 305
Aaron Byson CorporalBCSO 319
Mina Price CorporalBCSO 340
Claire Everly CorporalBCSO 380
Mike Bayo SeniorDeputyBCSO 302
Ridley Adams SeniorDeputyBCSO 348
Henri King SeniorDeputyBCSO 365

Los Santos Police Dispatch[]

The Los Santos Police Dispatch worked with all the executive branches including the Emergency Medical Services in the area of communications.

Former Members[]

Name Insignia
(End of Term)
Badge #
(End of Term)
Reason for Leaving Final Date of Service
Tessa Lamb DeputyBCSO 370 Transferred to the SASPR February 25th, 2021
Ellis Pinzon DeputyBCSO 360 Transferred to the SASPR April 7th, 2021
John Dorian DeputyBCSO 319 Transferred to the LSPD April 18th, 2021
Darrel McCormik DeputyBCSO 396 Transferred to the LSPD April 20th, 2021
Rocko Columbo SergeantBCSO 350 Transferred to the LSPD April 24th, 2021
Theodore Tinker SoloCadetBCSO 607 Transferred to the LSPD April 28th, 2021
Michael Rodgers DeputyBCSO 304 Retired April 30th, 2021
Jeffrey Bundy SoloCadetBCSO 643 Transferred to the LSPD May 15th, 2021
Barry Briddle SoloCadetBCSO 678 Transferred to the SASPR May 21st, 2021
Tracy Martell DeputyBCSO 361 Transferred to the LSPD May 21st, 2021
Billiam Williams CadetBCSO 369 Fired for Insubordination May 22nd, 2021
Emma Dupont DeputyBCSO 306 Transferred to the LSPD May 25th, 2021
Dante Wolf DeputyBCSO 305 Transferred to the LSPD May 25th, 2021
Dwayne Carter CadetBCSO 533 Transferred to the LSPD May 27th, 2021
Lenny Hawk DeputyBCSO 350 Transferred to the LSPD June 17th, 2021
Jerry Perkins DeputyBCSO 315 Transferred to the SASPR July 10th, 2021
Sam Baas SeniorDeputyBCSO 360 Transferred to the LSPD July 26th, 2021
Lauren Forcer SeniorDeputyBCSO 344 Transferred to the LSPD July 26th, 2021
Glenn Trigger CadetBCSO 523 Fired August 7th, 2021
Franky Dulio DeputyBCSO 325 Transferred to the SASPR August 13th, 2021
Robert Anderson SoloCadetBCSO 680 Transferred to the LSPD August 13th, 2021
Mervin Napoli SoloCadetBCSO 610 Transferred to the LSPD August 24th, 2021
Walter Farley DeputyBCSO 368 Fired September 1st, 2021
Mickey Reynolds SoloCadetBCSO 623 Transferred to the LSPD September 5th, 2021
Aziz Sultan CadetBCSO 535 Transferred to the LSPD September 5th, 2021
Ruger Daniels SoloCadetBCSO 638 Transferred to the LSPD September 10th, 2021
Marcellus Mikaelson CadetBCSO 500 Fired September 18th, 2021
Vladimir Raven DeputyBCSO 386 Transferred to the LSPD September 20th, 2021
Honathan Yolo DeputyBCSO 311 Transferred to the SASPR September 25th, 2021
Rob Banks CadetBCSO 525 Fired October 1st, 2021
Otis Tucker SoloCadetBCSO 637 Fired October 1st, 2021
Francis J Francer DeputyBCSO 369 Fired October 8th, 2021
Cleo Shaw CadetBCSO 522 Transferred to the LSPD October 29th, 2021
Johnny Dazzler DeputyBCSO 306 Fired November 1st, 2021
Nicholas Riggs DeputyBCSO 338 Fired November 1st, 2021
Nicholine Quinn CadetBCSO 520 Fired November 1st, 2021
Markus Berger CadetBCSO 542 Fired November 1st, 2021
Roy Armstrong DeputyBCSO 360 Transferred to the LSPD November 2nd, 2021
Joey Keys DeputyBCSO 301 Resigned December 1st, 2021
Ben Kruezer DeputyBCSO 314 Fired December 1st, 2021
Michael Dunning DeputyBCSO 324 Fired December 1st, 2021
Selena Mendoza CorporalBCSO 304 Transferred to the SASP December 2nd, 2021
Dezmond Wright CadetBCSO 561 Fired December 2nd, 2021
Peter Johnson DeputyBCSO 312 Fired January 1st, 2022
Jim Gordon DeputyBCSO 377 Fired January 1st, 2022
Bexar McCree DeputyBCSO 387 Fired January 1st, 2022
Yuu Gondai CadetBCSO 569 Fired January 1st, 2022

BCSO Member Roster[]
