NoPixel Wiki

Bingle Dan is a character role-played by DisbeArex


Bingle Dan is a bored old woman.


Early Days[]

Bingle Dan used to be young.

Recent Feats[]

On 11/1/21 Bingle returned to the city and checked her paycheck and had 200k waiting.

Played By: DisbeArex
Characters: Oki DokiTrudy TrunchbullBingle Dan

Dan Clan
Family: Fingle DanDingle FanWingle DanVingle DanKringle DanPringle DanBingle DanMingle DanBadabingle DanKingle DanFingill DanBroskingle DanDrizingle DanBaneskingle DanPeachingle DanTexingle DanAdmingle DanKermingle DanTreyingle DanGarekingle DanKittingle DanMcCingle DanJudgingle DanLocingle DanVampingle DanGringle DanBurningle DanTingle DanPala DanCardingle Dan

Other members: SuckabergRobot
