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Ariel Paige Turner is a character played by KiraDreamchaser.

General Description[]

Ariel Paige Turner is a Paramedic of the Emergency Medical Services, call-sign P-11.


Ariel Paige Turner never knew her birth parents as her earliest memories are from living in an orphanage in Pasadena, CA. When she was 6 years old she was adopted by Elena and Amaya Turner, a lesbian couple from Escondido, CA where she grew up in a very loving household. Elena was a neurosurgeon, and Amaya owned and ran her own Indian restaurant, which is why that's Ariel's favorite food. As she grew up she came to many realizations about herself, including her queer awakening when she was in Junior High. Since she grew up with two wonderful moms, she was no stranger to queer relationships, so when she came out as bi it was completely well received, it was a few years later that she realized she was actually pansexual.

Ariel always applied herself in school and maintained good grades, she was a big nerd and had a reputation for being an overachiever. In high school she also often found that she often found causes that she felt strongly about, and participated in many marches, protests, etc... After high school, encouraged by her mother to follow in her footsteps, Ariel enrolled in med school and she discovered that she was actually really good at it. She realized working in a hospital would give her so many opportunities to meet many different people, so that's what she set out to do. More people meant more characters for her possible novels and stories that she always wanted to write. When it came time to seek out a place to pursue her residency she really wanted to move to a hospital in a city known to have a lot of interesting things going on so she could apply those things to her writing in her spare time. So that's when she moved to Los Santos...

Life in Los Santos[]

After arriving in Los Santos Ariel initially went to Pillbox Medical Center where she tried to get a job as a medical intern, unfortunately her timing was bad, and the hospital wasn't really hiring interns. She tried for a couple months to get a position as a medical assistant instead, and after that didn't seem to be working out in an official capacity, she happened to also hear from a couple members of EMS that she should apply for a job as a medic which also didn't pan out after a first time interview. Over 9 months she would occasionally pop by the hospital and try to get a job and she would volunteer as EMS when needed, until finally on January 19, 2022, she started as an EMS trainee, and after 3 days was cleared for Solo duty.

In her first few weeks on duty she would often talk with Dr. Luna Rivera and about a week or so before Valentines Day, they started dating. A few weeks into their relationship Luna asked Ariel if she'd move in with her and her brother, Jeremy Rivera. Elle and Lulu, which are their nicknames for each other, didn't get to go on their Valentines Day date until the end of February when they both had a day off together, and it was a wonderful date consisting of dinner at Rooster's and a day of mountain biking, which is a hobby that Ariel enjoys in Los Santos. A couple days later, on March 2nd, Ariel told Lulu that she Loved her, in the Pillbox garage.

Ariel being an over achiever worked hard over months to continue to grow as a medic, she got every certification, and became an instructor in some things, and she's taught a lot of trainees. In October 2022 Ariel finally took her first LOA from EMS to visit Luna in Puerto Rico, however on that trip Luna ended up breaking things off with Ariel on October 13th, saying that she needed to focus on her career. After Ariel returned, she tried to adopt a "Fuck it" attitude and since has been trying to shrug off her feelings of being upset about everything, though it doesn't always work for her. On December 1st, she became an FTI for the P&T Department thus becoming one of the only members in EMS to be an Instructor in Everything.

Momentous Dates Within EMS[]

Rank Insignia Note Date
Hired January 19th, 2022
Int. trained, first day on duty. Callsign T-77 January 19th, 2022
Solo cleared January 21st, 2022
Promoted to EMT, Callsign E-77 February 18th, 2022
Completed Flight Certification February 23th, 2022
Completed Water Certification March 17th, 2022
Completed Critical Care Certification April 7th, 2022
Promoted to Paramedic, Callsign P-77 April 7th, 2022
Completed Fire & Hazmat Certification April 14th, 2022


  • Can cook many Indian food dishes pretty well.
  • Started dating Dr. Luna Rivera, on Feb 9th, 2022
  • Has Thalassophobia - Fear of Open Water
  • Her family's chai tea is sold at Dr. Luna's Holistic Emporium
  • (RETCONNED) Ever since she was young she had an "imaginary friend" though it turned out to be a person who had been in an accident from a parallel universe and had been caught in between, it wasn't clear why Ariel could see her, but no one else seemed to.


Emergency Medical Services