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Amelia Waters is a character role-played by Loorara.

Description []

Amelia Waters was an Old Lady for Chaos Legion MC. She was also previously a Staff Doctor for Los Santos Medical Group, specializing in Nephrology. She was also previously serving a life sentence at Bolingbroke Penitentiary.

Momentous Dates within the Government []

Los Santos Medical Group[]

Rank Insignia Note Date
Intern - Hired to the LSMG April 6th, 2024
Resident Resident Promoted to Resident April 21st, 2024
Staff DoctorInsignia Promoted to Staff August 10th, 2024
Resigned October 6th, 2024

Background []

Before Amelia was thrown into prison she was born and raised in Paleto Bay by her mother and grandfather where she grew up alongside one older brother and her younger sister, both of which she doesn't like to talk about. Amelia kept to herself and was often found daydreaming or disassociating alone in her room. As she got older she found herself disassociating more and more as well as experiencing vivid nightmares and flashbacks to the traumatic events of her childhood. She became more of a recluse and found it difficult to communicate with people, often using poorly timed humour to get herself out of social situations.

Amelia was bullied and pushed around often, not only by her family but also by people she considered to be her friend. She eventually reached a tipping point where during a dissociation episode, found herself burning down Paleto's only High School which was holding 20 people at the time, including 3 police officers. After snapping out of her episode she tried to make her escape after realising what she had done, her escape ultimately failed and she was successfully detained, showing barely any remorse or emotion for her crimes, she was sentenced to life in prison and transferred into Bolingbroke on January 30th 2022.

Escaping Bolingbroke []

After the Sanguine war came the imminent economic collapse of Los Santos. Not knowing what would happen to herself, her husband or any of the other inmates, Amelia was approached by Kenneth with an offer - A way to escape, but it wouldn't be easy. He told her about Darkwoods Penitentiary in Carcer City and how the "opportunity" came up for current inmates to transfer over there to secretly help train up guards and gang members to help create a corrupt ecosystem. He also mentioned how the team of inmates going over there would also have to get their hands dirty, which would involve killing specific targets and carry out jobs given to them by their potential new leader "Basilisk". In return for this, they would have the freedom they always wanted and their criminal records wiped clean.

After mulling it over for a little bit and speaking to other lifers, she ultimately agreed and got onto a prison transport bus along with Kenneth, Loops, Neko, Mick and others, saying goodbye to Bolingbroke to what she thought was forever.

Whilst Darkwoods had more freedom than Bolingbroke, Amelia found herself ultimately isolated from the outside world and most of her friends. She recalls completing jobs which included murdering a handful of people, some who deserved it, some who didn't, but the more she completed these jobs the more it broke her mentally. She confided in Mick on how she was feeling and he understood what she was going through. She felt comfort in seeing him continue to be himself, but the fact is Mick lived his entire life inside prison and is now at the ripe old age of 75. Mick has had many moments of lucid interaction and genuine care but his devotion and faith has not waivered. Mick now sees himself as the current Patriarch to Walltology and has compartmentalized his actions that cleaned his record in order to keep himself sane. Regularly bringing food and trying to coax Amelia out of her apartment to see the world. He would often tell her; "What the hell was the point of it all? If you're going to just spend it here. If you two want to touch grass at some point, let me know..." He has been struggling to make ends meet alone, and he's been paying their rent along side any of his own bills to keep them from becoming homeless during their depressive episode. Mick's positive outlook can't change or wash all the shit he did, it's comforting and at this point frightening.

Amelia went in with no expectations, only hope for what could be her future. Traumatised from what happened back in Darkwoods Penitentiary and their criminal records now wiped clean, she returned to Los Santos, a little bit broken, with her husband for a "fresh start" and whilst Loops hides in the apartment all day playing video games with his new found freedom, Amelia is forever looking over her shoulder in fear of what could happen and what has happened.

Gallery []
