NoPixel Wiki

Alexander Bones is a character role-played by CrimsoneTV.

General Description[]

Alexander Bones was an Intern for Los Santos Medical Group. After leaving CMC as a doctor bones was hired to Emergency Medical Services.

Before leaving the hospital Alexander Bones started to gain a close relationship with Lily Night-Sky hunting together, hanging around and just all in all having fun. Lily showed Bones there is more to life than money and work and after feeling held back and chained down Bones in his mind "Freed" himself.

After leaving what was seen as a place that didn't want him and accepted into a group that do want him Bones adopted the clownsona "Buggy" named after the antagonist from One Piece.

Buggy the Clown[]

Buggy the clown is a non-violent clown that has vowed to find and capture the one piece (Not Real) he has taken a Hipoclownic oath and has sworn to not harm another clown unless it is funny and non-lethal. Although Bones is trying desperately hard to remain non-violent and on the "Civilian" side of the law two clowns are making it increasingly difficult to remain that way.

Although Bones has spent most of his life being against violence and tom-foolery even since the days of old back when he worked out of Sandy Shores he started to feel a kinship with the clowns.

Boilingbroke Prison[]


Momentous Dates within the Government[]

Los Santos Medical Group[]

Rank Insignia Note Date
Intern - Hired to the LSMG December 15th, 2023
Resigned March 2nd, 2024
Clowns of NoPixel