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Air Corps certificate officers to pilot department-issued aircrafts.

General Description[]

Air Corps is a division in the unified PD led by Lucas Lovesick that controls the certification for both Air-1 (AS350) and the Jet (Hydra).

The Air-1 and Jet certification is available to all sworn law enforcement officers of the San Andreas State Police, the San Andreas State Park Rangers, the Los Santos Police Department, and the Blaine County Sheriff's Office.

The Air-1 certification grants an officer access to their department's fleet of AS350 helicopters. These vehicles allow officers to pursue fast-driving vehicles, keeping ground units up-to-date through radio communications, as well as conduct search operations in the event a suspect or vehicle needs to be located.

The Jet certification grants an officer access to the decommissioned Hydra jets. These vehicles allow officers to locate and pursue rogue aircrafts.

After years of the cert being in the hands of Jackie Snow and the SASP, Soze decided to hand off the unit to the SASPR post restructure.

Training (Air-1)[]

In order to begin training for the Air-1 certification, an officer must display excellence in their communications. They are expected to be able to convey street names without a visual aide, callout nearby points of interest, and provide cardinal direction without using a compass.

Upon being approved for training, the officer will first begin as a co-pilot. During this phase, they will be taught to communicate with ground units from the air through radio communications, as they simultaneously communicate with their pilot within the helicopter. Once the officer is deemed a competent co-pilot, they will be approved to begin their training as a pilot.

During the pilot phase, the officer will be taught to control the helicopter, communicate effectively with their co-pilot, and pilot intelligently in order to enable their co-pilot to provide high-quality radio communications. As the pilot's ability improves, restrictions previously placed upon them will be lifted. As they gain their freedom as a pilot, they will finally be given their Air-1 certification.

Training (Hydra)[]

In order to begin training for the Jet certification, an officer must already be a fully certed Air-1 pilot.

The training includes takeoffs and landings with VTOL mode on and off. Also intercepting rogue aircrafts.

SASP Pilots[]

Name Badge # Rank Insignia Aircraft Type
Jackie Snow 205 Trooper Lieutenant
Air-1 & Hydra
Jack Ripley 202 Trooper Sergeant
Air-1 & Hydra
Kael Soze 201 Trooper SASP-R8 Air-1
Jeffrey Bones 203 Trooper SASP-R8 Air-1 & Hydra
Matt Rhodes 230 Trooper SASP-R8 Air-1
Olivia Copper 238 Trooper SASP-R8 Air-1 & Hydra
Joseph Oxlong 242 Trooper SASP-R8 Air-1
Alex Casterman 244 Trooper SASP-R8 Air-1 & Hydra
Matthew Espinoz 289 Trooper SASP-R8 Air-1

SASPR Pilots[]

Name Badge # Rank Insignia Aircraft Type
Lucas Lovesick 212 Corporal SASPR-R3 Air-1 & Hydra

LSPD Pilots[]

Name Badge # Rank Insignia Aircraft Type
Aaron Byson 419 Sergeant LSPD-R4 Air-1
Maddison Bancroft 437 Sergeant LSPD-R4 Air-1
Minerva Maat 455 Corporal LSPD-R3 Air-1
Kylie Stokes 438 Officer LSPD-R1 Air-1
Jon Castle 427 Officer LSPD-R1 Air-1

BCSO Pilots[]

PBSO Pilots[]

Name Badge # Rank Insignia Aircraft Type
Connor Stubble 303 Undersheriff BCSO-Undersheriff Air-1 & Hydra
Beric Johnson 335 Sergeant BCSO-R4 Air-1
Ethan Turrow 308 Corporal BCSO-R3 Air-1
Lily Pond 313 Corporal BCSO-R3 Air-1 & Hydra
Skye Faye 322 Corporal BCSO-R3 Air-1
Daisy Dukakis 318 Deputy BCSO-R1 Air-1
Samantha Morningstar 345 Deputy BCSO-R1 Air-1 & Hydra
Jimbo Sutton 356 Deputy BCSO-R1 Air-1

SDSO Pilots[]

Name Badge # Rank Insignia Aircraft Type
Ramona Celeste 905 Deputy SDSO-R1 Air-1

Air Corps Roster[]

Former Members[]

Name Insignia Badge # Note Date

In Memory[]

Name Insignia
(End of Term)
Badge #
(End of Term)
Final Date of Service
Sam Baas This character is deceased SASP-R10 242 July 12th, 2023