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Air-1 is a certification given to Officers/Deputies and above within the San Andreas State Police, the Los Santos Police Department, and the Blaine County Sheriff's Office.

Air-1 is a certification that allows officers to fly the police department issued helicopter. A vehicle that allows officers to pursue fast driving vehicles, keep radio communications updated to support ground units, or to be able to scour an area with ease if they need to locate a vehicle or individual.

Those who do have this certification can pull out the helicopter and utilize this tool when ever it is needed.

General Description[]

Air-1 is given to an office/deputy by a Flight FTO. A Field Training Officer that has plenty of experience and time inside the cockpit.

They have training that allows them fly in a PD helicopter around buildings in the city, over roads and the mountains, and over the bodies of water in Los Santos.

Requirements to Pass the Test[]

To be able to pass the flight test, officers/deputies have to be able to pass the airport run, and the bridge run in time. They also have to be approved of by a flight FTO.

SASP Air-1 Units[]

Badge # Name Rank Insignia
201 Kael Soze Trooper SASPTrooper
215 Tony Andrews Trooper SASPTrooper
205 Jackie Snow Trooper Trooper
207 A.J. Hunter Trooper Trooper
238 Olivia Copper Trooper Trooper

BCSO Air-1 Units[]

Badge # Name Rank Insignia
357 Travis Tribble Sheriff SheriffBCSO
320357 Travis Tribble Matt Rhodes Sergeant SergeantBCSO
302 Mike Bayo Senior Deputy SeniorDeputyBCSO
305 Dante Wolf Senior Deputy SeniorDeputyBCSO
306 Emma Dupont Senior Deputy SeniorDeputyBCSO
311 Honathan Yolo Senior Deputy SeniorDeputyBCSO
319 John Dorian Senior Deputy SeniorDeputyBCSO
338 Nicholas Riggs Senior Deputy SeniorDeputyBCSO
344 Lauren Forcer Senior Deputy SeniorDeputyBCSO
388 Richard Dark Senior Deputy SeniorDeputyBCSO
389 Matthew Espinoz Senior Deputy SeniorDeputyBCSO
314 Ben Kruezer Deputy DeputyBCSO
341 John Archer Deputy DeputyBCSO
360 Ellis Pinzon Deputy DeputyBCSO
365 Henri King Deputy DeputyBCSO
322 Ziggy Buggs Senior Ranger SeniorRanger
399 Conan Clarkson Senior Ranger SeniorRanger

LSPD Air-1 Units[]

Badge # Name Rank Insignia
309 Bobby Smith Chief of Police ChiefOfPoliceLSPD
409 Lance Malton Sergeant SergeantLSPD
450 Sam Baas Sergeant SergeantLSPD
457 Brittany Angel Sergeant SergeantLSPD
486 Vladimir Raven Sergeant SergeantLSPD
488 Stephen McClane Sergeant SergeantLSPD
202 Jack Ripley Senior Officer SeniorOfficerLSPD
401 Frank Williams Senior Officer SeniorOfficerLSPD
402 Alex Casterman Senior Officer SeniorOfficerLSPD
403 Kareem Lyon Senior Officer SeniorOfficerLSPD
405 Ben Casanova Senior Officer SeniorOfficerLSPD
414 T.J. Mack Senior Officer SeniorOfficerLSPD
420 Darrel McCormik Senior Officer SeniorOfficerLSPD
434 Gage Draider Senior Officer SeniorOfficerLSPD
437 Jim Underwood Senior Officer SeniorOfficerLSPD
400 Cody Sharp Officer OfficerLSPD
407 Joel Garcia Officer OfficerLSPD
416 Aaron Byson Officer OfficerLSPD
421 Chet Manley Officer OfficerLSPD
485 Dan Faily Officer OfficerLSPD

Air-1 Roster[]
