Adam Pike is a character role-played by FoFoPlays
General Description[]
Adam Pike is an officer for the Los Santos Police Department, Badge #299 hired on for shift 2 after an interview with Lt. McNulty, Sr. Officer Decker, and Asst. Chief Ruby York. He was asked about how he would help Decker if he caught him sucking dick for money, which he replied "Ill tell Lt McNulty, Decker is decking cock rn keep driving, I wont get involved and allow him to suck dick in peace." and how the only video game he was able to play growing up was Counter Strike 1.6 due to not being able to pirate anything else while living in the Middle East. This thankfully won over the interviewers combined with his experience earned him the honor of trialing in academy. He is close with his friend Alex Shields who he had previously ran another police department with before joining The LSPD.
He is known for speaking loudly and quickly to cover up the fact that English is his second language. Got a 98 WPM on
On 07/15/2024 Adam Pike was added to after he was swarmed by the Erp hunters in CMC. Officer Shields gave the hunters the quote from Pike "I did everything for her" which they found was enough to place him on the most wanted list.
Momentous Dates within the Government[]
Unified Police Department[]